[SOLVED] Cloning HDD to SSD with recovery disk as well


Aug 14, 2015
I would like to clone my thinkpad's failing HDD to SSD entirely even with partition that has the "Lenovo_Recovery" that way I can always format my computer without needing to insert disk. Is this possible? If so, will SSD also get partitioned to include "Lenovo_Recovery"? If not, is it possible to install "Lenovo_Recovery" from any other means?

View: https://imgur.com/a/xmtgJnt
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I would like to clone my thinkpad's failing HDD to SSD entirely even with partition that has the "Lenovo_Recovery" that way I can always format my computer without needing to insert disk. Is this possible? If so, will SSD also get partitioned to include "Lenovo_Recovery"? If not, is it possible to install "Lenovo_Recovery" from any other means?

View: https://imgur.com/a/xmtgJnt
Get one of these.....https://www.amazon.com/Sabrent-2-5-Inch-Adapter-Optimized-EC-SSHD/dp/B011M8YACM/ref=pd_lpo_147_t_2/145-6624016-9374931?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B011M8YACM&pd_rd_r=a40cb579-c6a6-44f6-b01c-d6c421e047f6&pd_rd_w=HCpgh&pd_rd_wg=fyvmz&pf_rd_p=16b28406-aa34-451d-8a2e-b3930ada000c&pf_rd_r=MEPEJ4G9J6DGN5GRKR26&psc=1&refRID=MEPEJ4G9J6DGN5GRKR26

Connect the ssd to a usb port with the cable.
Use your favorite clone util and clone hdd>ssd.
My clone util allows me to compare the output and input after the clone.
If everything looks good just swap out the hdd.
A ssd is a wonderful performance update.
The samsung ssd migration app is not a clone, but a C drive mover.
Unfortunately, it will not copy a proprietary recovery partition.
I have used it on several thinkpad laptops over the years.
I just put the old ssd aside as a point in time backup.
On occasion, I have reinserted the hdd and used the recovery process to reset the laptop for resale.
Please show us a screencap of your current Disk Management window.
We can investigate possible cloning options after that.

That Lenovo Recovery partition should be used to create an offline recovery thing, on a flash drive.
Look in your User manual for how to do this.

Sitting on the actual drive as it is now...if the drive fails, it is totally useless.