Hello, i have the following scenario: My internet connection is... Trash, it just doesnt work most of the time so i have to rely on my phone but i want to use my computer, it's 3 MBPS so around 200-300 KBPS in the evening or when it works... Its the DSL i have in my bedroom, but i also own 2 other DSL with internet incluided, another 3 MBPS and one 6 MBPS, the 6 mbps one is the one im interested in, its kinda far away from the house im staying in, but still in a really good wifi range, i tried connecting to it on my pc and voala, downloading Dark Souls 1 turned into a 4-5 day download to a 1:30 hours download ( which for Venezuela is really fast ) so i started using it more and more, the connection i have right next to me fixed itself and now works, does not gives me the 300 kbps it should but atleast its something, and i was wondering if there is a way to combine both speeds, so i get 1 MBPS or more constantly, i have to connect my phone to my computer and enable usb internet sharing and my pc has a direct ethernet connection to the other one, does this fuse the connections? or is there another way to do it? Downloading Killing Floor 2 is a pain in my butt, and this would kinda lift it up a little 😀
Sorry for my bad english and awful explaining skills lol
Sorry for my bad english and awful explaining skills lol