Compatibility Question


Mar 30, 2005
It will be obvious that I'm a newbie - Oh well, I've been laughed at before. Anyhow...
I'm upgrading an HP Vectra VLi8 currently with 450MHz Slot 1 cpu. Are all Slot 1 (SECC2) cpus compatible as long as the MHz can be handled by machine in question?

I'd rather be lucky than good
Off hand? Beats the hell out of me. I think you're just talking about packaging, which doesn't really have anything to do with the CPU core. I think you'd probably have to be wary of both.

But anyway, I'm fairly certain that if the required CPU voltage, FSB, and socket/slot style of the replacement were identical to your 450MHz CPU, then it should be fine. I'd check to see that you can support the multiplier needed to run the replacement at full speed though. You might have to worry about power concerns if your power supply is already on the edge with your 450MHz chip.

CPU upgrades never seem to be as simple as they aught to.

<pre> 😱 <font color=purple>Yes I'm insane, but it's a <font color=blue><i>good</i></font color=blue> kind of <font color=red>crazy</font color=red>. 😱 </font color=purple></pre><p>@ 184K -> 200,000 miles or bust!
as far as slot 1 is concerned, yes, they will be compatable, but for god's sake man you can get an athlon xp machine with IGP for under $500! i dont even want to know how you managed to find an upgrade for that board.

-I'm Laughing At It Now-
I know it's not much but I got it for free and it's something to play with and learn from. I was thinking of putting in 700 or 800 MHz(I believe to be the max for it) which I can get for $40. I don't play games so it can handle most of what I do(learning SQL Server and VB.NET)

I'd rather be lucky than good
It's military surplus.
I appreciate your input. This is my first visit here and I spent some time reading a bunch of the posts - very entertaining and interesting both. I wish I hadn't been over 50 before venturing into the computer world.
Thanks again.

I'd rather be lucky than good
Not really.

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<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>
It depends. Read the Motherboards FAQ for compatability issues.

Basically, your board MIGHT support coppermine CPU's, but then again, it might not. The 450 is a 2.0v processor and works on all 100MHz bus boards. The Coppermines, like a 700, 800, etc, are all 1.65v, and some boards cannot support lower CPU voltages than 1.80v.

So read the FAQ. You might consider an upgrade from Upgradeware (if your system is listed) or Powerleap (if necessary). And if your board is Upgradeware Slot-T compatable, it shouldn't have any problem with Coppermine core processors either.

And no, there is no speed limit, ALL MHz can be handled by ALL machines.

Be aware that some Slot-1 processors use a 133MHz bus, and that your board probably doesn't support that bus speed.

The standard codes are E for coppermine and B for 133MHz bus. So a PIII600 is 100MHz bus non-coppermine, the 600B is 133MHz bus, the 600E is coppermine, and the 600EB is Coppermine with 133 bus.

<font color=blue>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to a hero as big as Crashman!</font color=blue>
<font color=red>Only a place as big as the internet could be home to an ego as large as Crashman's!</font color=red>