Whenever it feels like, my computer loses it's connection to internet (browsers not opening pages, raidcall/skype dropping for the duration, online gaming dc from server etc.). I've tried with Thomson 585v8 & Linksys WAG200G and both show the same thing : while all leds work as intended I keep losing the connection for a really small time window (2-3 seconds) and it can happen more than once in a day, almost every day. I've contacted my ISP and they can't find if there's a problem with the line or so, and I don't think it's from my computer (as they say to me sometimes). Could it be my computer, the ethernet cable, the telephone cable, or something else? I am really frustrated and confused about this and it's extremely annoying cause I can't do anything without the risk of internet dropping.If you want more info ask and I will post them.