Computer Networks


Dec 10, 2012
How do we create a Network of 100 Computers from scratch?
One building, divided in 3 stories. I want to creat a network of 100 computers in this one building.
How many Routers, Switches and Hubs do i need? how many Straight and cross over cables do i need? and what kind of topologies to implement?. Do i need a server ? What protocol to implement?
What i am asking here is to know each step involved in the creation of a 100 nodes network in our new office.
I am preparing my CCNA and studied a lot but i never created a network only i worked on GNS3 and Packet Tracer.
I will appreciate if any Network Expert reply me of the step by step procedure here. Pardon me for Grammer and vocabulary.
Thanks for your time.