[SOLVED] Computer rebooting


Jan 9, 2016
My computer reboots almost everytime I load up league of legends idk why sometimes it freezes for a few seconds then crashes I played cyberpunk for 5 days no issues I tried to increase my RAM speed a yesterday and my PC wouldn't boot and I reset the bios and kept everything default I recently got the same error during call of duty cold war it seems to be happening when I alt out the game not when im playing any ideas?

3070 rtx
Psu corsair 650w
16gb vengeance
What Corsair power supply is it exactly?

As far as fresh install of Windows what I mean is if you upgraded the mobo and cpu and just reused the same installation from a previous computer, the amount of issues that it can cause are too many to list. Rule of thumb, if you change the mobo chipset or even mobo make/model you need to reinstall Windows.
What Corsair power supply is it exactly?

As far as fresh install of Windows what I mean is if you upgraded the mobo and cpu and just reused the same installation from a previous computer, the amount of issues that it can cause are too many to list. Rule of thumb, if you change the mobo chipset or even mobo make/model you need to reinstall Windows.
I had before pretty similar ryzen 1600x 1070 GTX could it be a RAM issue maybe I fried one whislt trying to change the speeds I tried stress tests on both my GPU and CPU no crashes it seems to be just when loading into lesgue of legends and I had an issue when having my game paused in call of duty cold war and looking through settings it would do the same would u advice full windows reinstall? I played cyberpunk for 12hours straight previously without any crashes which is a much more demanding game thanks
I had before pretty similar ryzen 1600x 1070 GTX could it be a RAM issue maybe I fried one whislt trying to change the speeds I tried stress tests on both my GPU and CPU no crashes it seems to be just when loading into lesgue of legends and I had an issue when having my game paused in call of duty cold war and looking through settings it would do the same would u advice full windows reinstall? I played cyberpunk for 12hours straight previously without any crashes which is a much more demanding game thanks
I had before pretty similar ryzen 1600x 1070 GTX could it be a RAM issue maybe I fried one whislt trying to change the speeds I tried stress tests on both my GPU and CPU no crashes it seems to be just when loading into lesgue of legends and I had an issue when having my game paused in call of duty cold war and looking through settings it would do the same would u advice full windows reinstall? I played cyberpunk for 12hours straight previously without any crashes which is a much more demanding game thanks
PSU cosair vs 650w bronze
PSU cosair vs 650w bronze

Again with regards to the Windows installation are you using the same installation/drive of windows that you used on the system with the 1600X and whatever mobo you had? Because you NEED a fresh install of Windows if you change motherboards chipsets (ie going from a B350 to B450 or B550 X570 etc), make or even model (ie going from a MSI to a Asrock) as driver issues will cause issues

RAM shouldn't be an issue as new Ryzen's are more compatible then older ones and Corair Vengeance usually doesn't have issues anyway with Ryzen.

The only other thing I can see an issue with is that PSU. The VS series is junk, and a RTX 3070 might be too much for it. You want to stick to Tier A or B at 650 watt or great https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/psu-tier-list-psucultists.3624094/

Here is a Seasonic PSU for 75 after rebate https://www.newegg.com/seasonic-core-series-core-gm-650-650w/p/N82E16817151244
I had before pretty similar ryzen 1600x 1070 GTX could it be a RAM issue maybe I fried one whislt trying to change the speeds I tried stress tests on both my GPU and CPU no crashes it seems to be just when loading into lesgue of legends and I had an issue when having my game paused in call of duty cold war and looking through settings it would do the same would u advice full windows reinstall? I played cyberpunk for 12hours straight previously without any crashes which is a much more demanding game thanks
I had before pretty similar ryzen 1600x 1070 GTX could it be a RAM issue maybe I fried one whislt trying to change the speeds I tried stress tests on both my GPU and CPU no crashes it seems to be just when loading into lesgue of legends and I had an issue when having my game paused in call of duty cold war and looking through settings it would do the same would u advice full windows reinstall? I played cyberpunk for 12hours straight previously without any crashes which is a much more demanding game thanks
PSU cosair vs 650w bronze
Again with regards to the Windows installation are you using the same installation/drive of windows that you used on the system with the 1600X and whatever mobo you had? Because you NEED a fresh install of Windows if you change motherboards chipsets (ie going from a B350 to B450 or B550 X570 etc), make or even model (ie going from a MSI to a Asrock) as driver issues will cause issues

RAM shouldn't be an issue as new Ryzen's are more compatible then older ones and Corair Vengeance usually doesn't have issues anyway with Ryzen.

The only other thing I can see an issue with is that PSU. The VS series is junk, and a RTX 3070 might be too much for it. You want to stick to Tier A or B at 650 watt or great https://forums.tomshardware.com/threads/psu-tier-list-psucultists.3624094/

Here is a Seasonic PSU for 75 after rebate https://www.newegg.com/seasonic-core-series-core-gm-650-650w/p/N82E16817151244
I reset my windows today with the issue still happening I ran bench marks without getting any reboots but soon as I open call of duty cold war instant crash even my cyberpunk seems to be running alot lower fps would a cossair TX650M be a decent upgrade?
PSU cosair vs 650w bronze

I reset my windows today with the issue still happening I ran bench marks without getting any reboots but soon as I open call of duty cold war instant crash even my cyberpunk seems to be running alot lower fps would a cossair TX650M be a decent upgrade?

A Reset is not a reinstall. Backup your data and games (if possible) and full reinstall Windows, then download all the drivers you need for chipset (USB drivers, LAN, SATA etc) from the manufacturer of the motherboard. The will have all the necessary driver. You also might want to make sure you have the latest BIOS for you motherboard since you are running the 5600X CPU.

And yes the TX650M is a great PSU and much better then the VS you currently have.
A Reset is not a reinstall. Backup your data and games (if possible) and full reinstall Windows, then download all the drivers you need for chipset (USB drivers, LAN, SATA etc) from the manufacturer of the motherboard. The will have all the necessary driver. You also might want to make sure you have the latest BIOS for you motherboard since you are running the 5600X CPU.

And yes the TX650M is a great PSU and much better then the VS you currently have.
I havent downloaded any chipset drivers yet on my pc I will try that now I did full reinstall windows everything is gone or do u mean complete wipe and boot into bios?