Computer runs fine, but won't stay turned off?


Jun 13, 2006
Hello everyone, thank you in advance for any help!

I home built my brother a computer almost 1 1/2 years ago and have replaced the motherboard (Asus P5Q Deluxe) three times (third one works while turned on) and the power supply once (Corsair 520HX to the 620HX), my YouTube video shows the problem with shutting off. The first two motherboards the whole computer would not post, the third motherboard works flawlessly while using the computer, but ALL of the fans either stayed on never turning off or surged on-off-on-off over and over until I pushed the switch on the back of the PSU. Why am I having the same issue with three motherboards and two different PSU models? I will list the specs of the computer below, note that I have tried the EVGA 9600GT, G.Skill DDR2 2x1GB, Western Digital HDD in my computer which works flawlessly! The only thing I have not tried in my computer is his P5Q Deluxe mobo, Corsair 520HX and the 620HX PSU. I'm hoping it's just a BIOS setting, I really am! I have also assembled the motherboard outside the PC case with the same problem!

YouTube video >

Never had any overclocking!
Asus P5Q Deluxe
Q6600 stock clocks
G.Skill DDR2 2GBHZ 4-4-4-12 2.0V
Corsair 620HZ PSU
Western Digital HDD


Jun 13, 2006

I did not have the PC case switch connected to the mobo, I've already tried three different PSU with two different brands. I used a Corsair 520HX, 620HX and Enermax Infinity 720W PSUs, my Enermax when connected to the mobo went into protection mode indicated a short circuit event! I think these Asus P5Qs are garbage, other Asus mobo are much more reliable. I'm going to ask for another model mobo, if Asus refuses I will buy either a more reliable model or a different brand mobo!


Jun 13, 2006
After researching this problem many have had the same problems with this mobo, after other people are reporting the same behavior on Asus's own forum. If anyone is considering the P5Q Deluxe think again!

A couple of questions.

1. When you assembled the MB outside the case, did you disconnect the Power On lead wire from the case Power On button and instead use a screwdriver to short the Power On switch on the MB header to start the system? Maybe the case Power on lead wire or switch is shorted causing the system to power on randomly like that.

2. I have an ASUS P5B-VM DO 965 micro MB running. Same era as your 975. No problems for a long while and one day I upgraded the PSU to a brand new PCP& C 610w Silencer. Went great, really quiet in the bedroom with the new PCP & C unit. Then I found the system was powering on randomly (same as your system, not to desktop just powered on with fans running) when I shut down and left the room and came back. I thought I was imaging things. I swapped out the brand new PCP & C 610w unit for an new OCZ 450w unit and my random restarts ceased to exist. System was back to normal as it had been for years. I know you tried a couple of PSU's. If you are feeling industrious, perhaps trying a different PSU may solve the random restart problem like it did mine.


Jun 13, 2006

My PSU (Enermax) indicated a short in the mobo, it was right because when I connected the Corsair PSU it showed the short in action as shown in my YouTube video. Oh yeah the power switch on the mobo does nothing as does the reset button!

My PSU (Enermax) indicated a short in the mobo

oops, you lost me there. A PSU can indicate the MB has a short?

it was right because when I connected the Corsair PSU it showed the short in action as shown in my YouTube video.

Well, I watched the video all the way through this time. The MB can not trrigger the PSU to start up. It's the other way around. The PSU triggers the MB to be something 'live' if you will. The MB has no power source other than the PSU to power on. MB can not power itself on.



Jun 13, 2006

My PSU (Enermax Infinity 720W) can to indicate the MB has a short by giving me beep codes after going into protection mode, a series of loud beeps indicated a short circuit event. I will show you the manual if you like. You say a MB can not trigger the PSU to start up, then tell me what happens when you push the power button on the MB? It has to send some type of signal to the PSU and regulate the incoming current!
My PSU (Enermax Infinity 720W) can to indicate the MB has a short by giving me beep codes after going into protection mode, a series of loud beeps indicated a short circuit event.
The PSU gives beep code errors? I was not aware of PSU giving error code related to the MB?

I will show you the manual if you like.

I guess you mean the manual to the PSU? That's all right not necessary.

You say a MB can not trigger the PSU to start up,

The MB does not supply power to the PSU is what I meant.

then tell me what happens when you push the power button on the MB?

The MB power button on the video is a feature many MB's do not have. That onboard 'button' is for enthusiasts who have the MB removed from the case working on the board. That button serves the same purpose as the front panel header power on swithch on the MB. The header the case power on button attaches to to power on the board. Touching a screwdriver to the power on header does the same thing as the button you are referring to does.

It has to send some type of signal to the PSU and regulate the incoming current!

Yes. That's what it does, turn on the power source to the unit. The power supply.

Anyway, I know you are frustrated with the situation and the 975's you have tried. There were a lot of those ASUS boards sold and many still working I'm sure. I have two ASUS 965's still running to this day. I suppose it's possible you have two bad ones. My theory of a bad power supply could easily be solved by install the PSU in another system. If no short out occurs, my idea is incorrect. I don't doubt you. Just trying to provide some input. You seemed to have worked your but of trying to solve it.
Remember, I had the same problem with one of my ASUS 965's recently. I would shut down and leave the room. I came back later the system was running on it's own, just like your system. It was the PSU causing it. I changed the PSU and the problem was solved. Still is.


Jun 13, 2006

I did something I never thought I would do, use my brother's Corsair 520HX and his 620HX on "my" MB. My MB did not come on by itself like the last three P5Qs did, another thing it powered off completely just like it should! I sat there for an hour reading a book just waiting to see it come on by itself, it did not. I've been to the Asus forums and three posts down from mine a poster was reporting the exact same problem, it wouldn't completely shut off.

He said he would leave the room only to find out later that his computer has turned itself back on and would do so many times. I then went to NewEgg and looked through the 1 egg reviews only to find someone with the same problem, the P5Q is said to be an erratic behaving MB. When I get my forth P5Q I will post back on what happens. It it happens again I'm all ears for a new MB, probably a Gigabyte board. All my brother wants is a computer that works for internet and eBay stuff, no gaming!

Sorry, I don't follow. Who's MB is the 975, your's or your brothers?

EDIT. So you hooked up two different Corsair power supplys to the 975 MB and the restart after shutdown still occured?


Jun 13, 2006

What was the purpose of your post?

Did you see an Enermax Infinity 720 in the video I provided? I did not think so. I know you are trying to help but my brother's computer has a Corsair 620HX (upgrade from Corsair 520HX) and not the Enermax Infinity 720 as that's mine for my computer, I was only using it for testing purposes, I think you need to watch the video again cause you'll see the Corsair 520HX. I did receive my forth Asus P5Q Deluxe MB today, I wasn't surprise when the CPU fan refused to turn off at anytime even when everything else was off, however the computer works fine except for the fact that I can't ever truly turn it off yet.

Thanks Systemlord

My PSU (Enermax Infinity 720W) can to indicate the MB has a short by giving me beep codes after going into protection mode, a series of loud beeps indicated a short circuit event. I will show you the manual if you like. You say a MB can not trigger the PSU to start up, then tell me what happens when you push the power button on the MB? It has to send some type of signal to the PSU and regulate the incoming current!

I watched the video. You mention it is possible for this Enermax Infinity 720 to diagnose a short in the MB. There is no way four different ASUS 975's are causing the problem. How many of those boards were sold worldwde? Tens of thousands? There would of been a recall if the problem is 100% as you suggest with the MB.
Check the MB manual and find the correct setting for the CMOS jumper. There will be a diagram. The jumper should be in the 'default' position. Not the 'reset' position. Also, you mentioned never flashing the BIOS. You should at this point.


Jun 13, 2006

The first two MBs would not POST, the last two MBs would POST and function fine within Windows. I can still use the computer, I just can't turn it off completely. The jumper is in the correct place, I have heard others having the very same problem over at Asus's own forums and a few others, I'm not the only one with these power issues. The design team is going to contact me next week and see if they can duplicate these problem using the same configuration, I'll post back with their findings!
Please be sure and let me know what you find out. Check this out. I have an ASUS P5B-VM DO micro 965 running for several years. I hate the board, but it worked just fine besides no OCing ability due to poor BIOS voltage adjustment options and inadequate voltage regulators for the C2D e6600 I have. So, I wanted to OC it further and I thought I would take the Ultra 600 watt unit out and replace it with a much better quality 610w PCP & C unit. Replaced it and the new unit did nothing to help my Ocing situation, but the PCP&C unit was much more quiet than the cheap Ultra 660w unit. I just left the new 610w in there. After the swap, I began noticing when I left the room and came back whether in an hour or after all day at work the system was running. All the case fans were running as well as the CPU fan, but not the monitor and the system was not booted into the OS. It took me a week or so to believe what I was seeing and to figure out this all started with when I swapped out the old PSU with the new PCP&C 610. I took the PCP&C 610 out and installed a different 400w OXZ unit I had and the problem was solved. I RMA'd the PCP&C 610 and got it back some months ago. It is sitting here, I have not had time to install it in any of my systems to check it. Anyway.


Jun 13, 2006

I LOVE my P5E Deluxe, it has performed flawlessly from day one! It's OC'ing is first rate, it seems to be a winner for me and would never part with it, it's too reliable!

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