[citation][nom]requiemsallure[/nom]Correct, even though I'm going to be voted down for this im sure. Linux has THE WORST security out of all of the operating systems.[/citation]
Please stop smoking crack. Why do you think that most web server run linux, tons of corporate servers run Linux? Because. it's very light and very secure.
[citation][nom]requiemsallure[/nom]Microsoft has patched up (and still does) more security flaws than any operating system combined. which leads the ignorant masses to believe that Microsoft doesn't make a secure operating system, however Microsoft's operating system is one of the most secure DUE to the fact that it has been attacked so much.[/citation]
This really shows how much you used linux. That is if you even used it. Linux is constantly being updated way more frequently than windows. Do you think that servers, specially the high profile ones aren't constantly being attacked?
[citation][nom]requiemsallure[/nom]Security through obscurity is not a good concept, this Apple has learned recently due to its recent raise in market share. Linux is the same, although there are less people using it and there are is a vast amount of distros, it only takes ONE virus to do the damage. I'd rather have a Patched up operating system anyday over one that has never considered security to be a problem.[/citation]
True that if linux had more market share on the desktop world the number of virus would increase dramatically. But like I stated many times on this site the number of virus of an OS isn't the indicative of it's safety but of it's market share. Most virus prey on it's user to get installed in the system, only very few take advantage of flaws in the OS. Microsoft only patches the latter kind of virus because it's not the job of an OS to defend the computer from the first kind of anti virus.
But like I said Linux is constantly being updated and it's developers have security always in the top of their minds. Remember most of linux market share comes from servers, if a desktop machine is breached the data lost usually belongs to few individuals, or most likely just one, if a server is breached files, databases,... from billions of users can be breached.
[citation][nom]requiemsallure[/nom]In addition even a custom distro wouldn't be effective to someone who is trying to do damage, as they will recognize a different operating system immediately and then just have to do some research before finding the basis of the code and exploiting it. In the end, it really doesn't matter what operating system you use, if someone really wants your data, they can (with effort) no matter what you do take what they want.[/citation]
That's a backward way of seeing things. I know if a resourceful robber really wants to steal my home, my door most likely wont stop him. Does this mean I'm going to start leaving the door open?