O orlaod1 Distinguished Jul 25, 2011 1 0 18,510 Jul 25, 2011 #1 Hello, iv plugged my speakers into the back ofthe computer but no sound coming from them wat can i do to make them work
Hello, iv plugged my speakers into the back ofthe computer but no sound coming from them wat can i do to make them work
ssddx Titan May 27, 2009 17,053 5 74,965 Jul 26, 2011 #2 Give us more information in the hopes that we can figure it out. Without any info how do we know you didnt forgot to plug in ac power or have your pc on mute?
Give us more information in the hopes that we can figure it out. Without any info how do we know you didnt forgot to plug in ac power or have your pc on mute?