Configuring new 4700



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I just got a new 4700, and am looking for advice on setting it up (been
using a Optiplex GX400 which has served me very well, Win2k). I see
Dell puts lots of "free" software on it, most of which I don't want or
need, so I was thinking of doing a clean install. Some questions...

1. Any issues/advice on doing a reformat and clean install?

2. I'm new to XP... for a firewall, is the built in XP firewall good?
Or should I use Sygate PF (what I used w/ my GX400)? I wonder if the
XP one would be more seamless.

3. For antivirus, I have been using Norton but I have heard complaints
about the new version. And good reviews for both AVG and Avast (which
are free). So I'm thinking of one of the latter two - any opinions?

4. I see they dropped the old "Imaging" picture viewer -- what is a
good free, fast-loading replacement?

5. I would rather not buy Office again -- will Office 2000 work ok w/

6. I've kindof like the "XP style" appearance, but have heard it can be
slower than the "Classic style" -- is it a big difference? I see there
are choices in both the Display control panel and the start menu.

7. I got the package w/ the Dell 922 all-in-one... is the scanner
decent or should I sell it and keep my (~slow) Epson 1240? I use a
laserprinter mostly, but color once in a while would be nice.

Any tips appreciated! After I'm done w/ this one I have 2 more 4700s
to do -- for my parents -- so I'd like to get it right the first time.


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See below
"David M" <> wrote in message
>I just got a new 4700, and am looking for advice on setting it up (been
> using a Optiplex GX400 which has served me very well, Win2k). I see
> Dell puts lots of "free" software on it, most of which I don't want or
> need, so I was thinking of doing a clean install. Some questions...
> 1. Any issues/advice on doing a reformat and clean install?

Personally, I wouldn't bother. I'd just uninstall what I didn't want, but
your call.

> 2. I'm new to XP... for a firewall, is the built in XP firewall good?
> Or should I use Sygate PF (what I used w/ my GX400)? I wonder if the
> XP one would be more seamless.

Well, my opinion says it's not. Inbound only. No outbound. BIG weakness.

> 3. For antivirus, I have been using Norton but I have heard complaints
> about the new version. And good reviews for both AVG and Avast (which
> are free). So I'm thinking of one of the latter two - any opinions?
I like Norton and it works find.

> 4. I see they dropped the old "Imaging" picture viewer -- what is a
> good free, fast-loading replacement?

Not sure what you mean. XP comes with a nice image viewer.

> 5. I would rather not buy Office again -- will Office 2000 work ok w/
> XP?

Sure. Even 97 works.

> 6. I've kindof like the "XP style" appearance, but have heard it can be
> slower than the "Classic style" -- is it a big difference? I see there
> are choices in both the Display control panel and the start menu.

On a 4700, you won't see any difference.

> 7. I got the package w/ the Dell 922 all-in-one... is the scanner
> decent or should I sell it and keep my (~slow) Epson 1240? I use a
> laserprinter mostly, but color once in a while would be nice.

It's not a printer, it's a razor. The cartridges (blades) will kill you.

> Any tips appreciated! After I'm done w/ this one I have 2 more 4700s
> to do -- for my parents -- so I'd like to get it right the first time.
> Thanks,
> David


Nov 9, 2003
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Tom Scales wrote:


>>7. I got the package w/ the Dell 922 all-in-one... is the scanner
>>decent or should I sell it and keep my (~slow) Epson 1240? I use a
>>laserprinter mostly, but color once in a while would be nice.
> It's not a printer, it's a razor. The cartridges (blades) will kill you.

Heh, the "Gillette Philosophy".


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> 4. I see they dropped the old "Imaging" picture viewer -- what is a
> good free, fast-loading replacement?


Please add "[newsgroup]" in the subject of any personal replies via email
--- My new email address has "ngspamtrap" & in it ;-) ---


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"David M" <> wrote:

>I just got a new 4700, and am looking for advice on setting it up (been
>using a Optiplex GX400 which has served me very well, Win2k). I see
>Dell puts lots of "free" software on it, most of which I don't want or
>need, so I was thinking of doing a clean install. Some questions...

>1. Any issues/advice on doing a reformat and clean install?

As with others, I've always found removal of unwanted stuff
quicker than doing a clean install, but .... I do use Partition
Magic to repartition into several drives vice the "it's all C:"
as shipped.

>2. I'm new to XP... for a firewall, is the built in XP firewall good?
>Or should I use Sygate PF (what I used w/ my GX400)? I wonder if the
>XP one would be more seamless.

As with the others responding so far; the XP firewall is incoming
only. Use what you're comfortable with, and tell the SP2
Security Center "I'd rather do it myself" if it gives you any
trouble over it. ZA is running "selflessly" on my machines, you
should have no trouble with Sygate.

>3. For antivirus, I have been using Norton but I have heard complaints
>about the new version. And good reviews for both AVG and Avast (which
>are free). So I'm thinking of one of the latter two - any opinions?

I've never had any trouble with Norton's AV [currently using the
2001 or 2002 version. Wouldn't touch their firewall or NIS
package with your 10-foot pole.

>5. I would rather not buy Office again -- will Office 2000 work ok w/

No problems with 2000 vs XP.

>6. I've kindof like the "XP style" appearance, but have heard it can be
>slower than the "Classic style" -- is it a big difference? I see there
>are choices in both the Display control panel and the start menu.

I've seen no performance hit on any of my machines, and, once I
tried it out and got used to it, like the new style setup. In
the control panel you can switch between the old/new with a
click, and I've found for most tweaking the "new style" is
quicker and easier - but sometimes the "old style" is the better
choice when I'm checking a *lot* of items; most all of the other
"new style" items can be tweaked to get rid of what you don't
like/keep what you find works better. Just like with "Bob" and
that damned Office paper clip, you /can/ get rid of things you
don't like.
[Email to Yahoo address may be burned before reading.
Lower and crunch the sig and you'll net me at comcast.]


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It's a Razor! Tom, you owe me a keyboard. :)

"Tom Scales" <> wrote in message


>> 7. I got the package w/ the Dell 922 all-in-one... is the scanner
>> decent or should I sell it and keep my (~slow) Epson 1240? I use a
>> laserprinter mostly, but color once in a while would be nice.
> It's not a printer, it's a razor. The cartridges (blades) will kill you.


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Thanks very much, everyone, for the advice! It's strange about
printers... I have an HP 4MV (about 10 years old) and it works great,
while the newer printers often don't even make it thru the warranty. I
guess Moore's law for printers has a negative exponent.
Thanks again, David

ps. for the group's reference, all 3 of my 4700s came with the XP
reinstall CD.