[SOLVED] Constant Blue screen of death tried everything so far.

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Oct 9, 2018
So about a year ago i had problems with blue screen all the time i had these(Page fault in nonpaged area,system service exception,memory management , kmode exception not handled) and all of this was caused by a driver named ntoskrnl.exe , i tried basicly everything , checked ram for any malfunction find none , checked all of the ssd, hdd in the system nothing was wrong with them either , checked everydriver and so on , at one point i gave up and reinstalled windows all together witch solved the problem until 1 month ago , and the same blue screen error started to happen again ( i failed to mention it but all of them happened during gaming) and this time i really don't wanna reinstall windows again and risk of getting these errors back after some time , i just need to find out what is causing the problem , if any of you can help me i would be really greatful (i attached a picture of bluescreens in the past month)
perhaps the one you got from cpu was the bad system config info error that gm got last time.

as there aren't many errors that have bad in their names :)

that is an odd error to get running a CPU test. I would have expected a hardware one? instead the system fell over.

we saw those 3 dv results. it is a moving target and not normal. I mean, its possible you had all bad drivers but I don't see it that often. With Intel test throwing a random error, you might want to make this

Prime 95 bootable - https://www.infopackets.com/news/10113/how-fix-bootable-prime95-stress-test-hardware

Prime Guide - http://www.playtool.com/pages/prime95/prime95.html

I want to check hardware before looking at drivers.
Z370 has like 5 different variant the best i think G or something (did not choose it because it was only in white color)does have bluetooth asus is lazy and list all the driver for all of them .

Third this is corsair headset driver i think i rly need that so if we countinue like this i might as well unistall all of the drivers
Icue now?

If we hadn't already tested the ram I would be going to that now, as errors that bounce around and blame a different driver each time can be corrupted hardware causing it. 13 passes was well and truly enough

MIght want to run chkdsk on both drives.

so would help to know exactly what board you have, as for the one I linked it shows 2 more BIOS than yours but the dates of version 2001 (yours) don't match up with the board I can find. then i will be happy suggesting driver updates based on what you have compared to website.

download a new version of https://downloadcenter.intel.com/product/67496/Intel-Management-Engine-Interface-Intel-MEI- since your bios is newer than the version currently installed.
I have the board that you linked , and i have 4 drives should i do on all of them ? And i don't know thy the dates do not match .
And i downloaded the intel driver but how do is install them there is 2 setup exe in 2 different folders ( never installed intel drivers manually)
Perhaps test the ones you have been using during BSOD. in your 1st post you said it was mostly ssd but also hdd.

might remove icue and run dv again, see if it stops spitting out errors. No point stopping that until it stops.

go to here - https://dlcdnets.asus.com/pub/ASUS/...ING/E13351_ROG_STRIX_Z370-F_GAMING_UM_WEB.pdf and on page 3-27, look at instructions on how to update bios via internet, that will remove the wondering if you have that board or not as the motherboard will find right drivers
Perhaps test the ones you have been using during BSOD. in your 1st post you said it was mostly ssd but also hdd.

might remove icue and run dv again, see if it stops spitting out errors. No point stopping that until it stops.
Can i just not test that driver because everytime i have to system restore i have remove all the drivers again , so can i just not tick it ?
problem with running sys restore is it rolls back the changes. so yeah, thats going to get old fast. especially if its a new driver each time.

one way to force windows 10 getting all new drivers is a reset. keep files/settings, it does mean installing a bunch of stuff again but only touches C so every other drive can be used to put stuff on you need to save. It might be faster than this is.

updating bios might help, its one thing windows won't do for you.

if drives/ram check out, can run https://downloadcenter.intel.com/download/19792/Intel-Processor-Diagnostic-Tool on CPU. only other hardware that should effect data then are Motherboard and PSU and they hardest things to test.
So i have run the cpu test (it was about a bad table or something sadly did not pay attantion to it ....)and it did a BSOD than went it to a boot loop , sadly the BSOD of the cpu test is deleted only the boot loop one is aviable.
i think i am going to bring it in a repairs shop to test it before a RMA anything
I am going to reinstall windows at the same time while keeping personal files if that does not do the trick it shop it is than , (i bought all my parts at place where i used to work and i can replace it for free there) i am just lazy and did not wanted to RMA them
There was only 1 dump posted, but it was linked to multiple times here? I downloaded it 3 times and it appears to be the same file?

I ran the dump file through the debugger and got the following information: https://lactatingspace.htmlpasta.com/

File information:032120-8546-01.dmp (Mar 21 2020 - 09:52:00)
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: Registry)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 00 Min(s), and 13 Sec(s)

This information can be used by others to help you. I can't help you with this. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.
I ran the 3 new dump file through the debugger and got the following information: https://unfadingkomododragon.htmlpasta.com/
File information:032120-15093-01.dmp (Mar 21 2020 - 08:51:42)
Driver warnings:*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for CorsairGamingAudioamd64.sys
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: System)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 00 Min(s), and 12 Sec(s)

File information:032120-11156-01.dmp (Mar 21 2020 - 08:01:36)
Driver warnings:*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for btwsecfl.sys
Probably caused by:memory_corruption (Process: System)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 00 Min(s), and 10 Sec(s)

File information:032120-10421-01.dmp (Mar 21 2020 - 07:31:48)
Driver warnings:*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for RzDev_0226.sys
Probably caused by:RzDev_0226.sys (Process: System)
Uptime:0 Day(s), 0 Hour(s), 00 Min(s), and 16 Sec(s)
This information can be used by others to help you. I can't help you with this. Someone else will post with more information. Please wait for additional answers. Good luck.
perhaps the one you got from cpu was the bad system config info error that gm got last time.

as there aren't many errors that have bad in their names :)

that is an odd error to get running a CPU test. I would have expected a hardware one? instead the system fell over.

we saw those 3 dv results. it is a moving target and not normal. I mean, its possible you had all bad drivers but I don't see it that often. With Intel test throwing a random error, you might want to make this

Prime 95 bootable - https://www.infopackets.com/news/10113/how-fix-bootable-prime95-stress-test-hardware

Prime Guide - http://www.playtool.com/pages/prime95/prime95.html

I want to check hardware before looking at drivers.
I avoid Razer gear because of Synapse. I had a kb and mouse of theirs about 10 years ago, I swapped mice because it was too light, and kb lasted a few more years before the W key stopped working. Synapse used to interrupt WIndows updates with wanting to connect right away. That and you have to be online to swap settings. No. I use steelseries mice and logitech kb and don't miss it at all.

You had a nice collection of bad drivers.