[SOLVED] Corsair CX 550 for this build. Is it enough?

Andre Lopes

Jan 30, 2015
My friend is replacing his current PSU with a corsair 550 CX.

His build:

Intel core i7 2600
Motherboard: P8P67 LE
2x DDR3 4gb 1333 HyperX
GTX 1060 6GB
1 HDD 1tb Seagate
1 HDD 500GB Seagate

By my calculations this build should consume at max near 370 watts. But I would like a second opinion.
As in a GTX1080? If yes, the PSU will do, but as long as your not going to OC anything.

However, I would not buy a GTX1080 to put into that system. The CPU will bottleneck the GPU. I wouldn't go above a GTX1060 with that set up. Getting the 650w give plenty of headroom, and will allow a platform upgrade with more power hungry hardware down the line.
It should be fine. You are right. You won't draw any more than about 350w so you have plenty of headroom. How much is the PSU?

If you could stretch to this, it would be much better, and last you for another build or two, and is top quality:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: EVGA - SuperNOVA G3 550 W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($65.88 @ OutletPC)
Total: $65.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-02-28 11:42 EST-0500
Thanks for the reply.
His other option would be a corsair CX 650W. But im not sure its worth it if hes not going to use SLI / Crossfire.

This CX 550W would be able to hold a 1080 on this setup, correct?
As in a GTX1080? If yes, the PSU will do, but as long as your not going to OC anything.

However, I would not buy a GTX1080 to put into that system. The CPU will bottleneck the GPU. I wouldn't go above a GTX1060 with that set up. Getting the 650w give plenty of headroom, and will allow a platform upgrade with more power hungry hardware down the line.