Hello, I am aware of the fact that there are similar posts about this topic, but every situation is different. I have the Corsair H60 running at the standard config. where the fan is behind the radiator, blowing air out the back of my case. My 3570k is overclocked to 4.1Ghz. At idle, it runs at 28'C max, and at load, around 55'C. I have a Zalman Z11 Plus case, no wires are in the way. I have a 120mm (intake) in the front, two 120mm(exhaust) on top, one 120mm (intake) on the bottom, and the H60 Exhaust. I was thinking about turning the fan around and using it as an intake, pushing cold air through the radiator, into the case and up through the top. Also, I noticed that my graphics card get quite hot, so this may be another problem. I do not want to go buy another fan for a push pull, so what would be the best way to utilize this single fan?