Question Could my CPU be causing my GPU to crash?

Feb 17, 2020
Hi, i have a custom built pc that keeps crashing when the GPU power limit is set to anything higher than -50%.

i have replaced my Mobo , Ram , PSU , SSD and reinstalled fresh win10.

pc specs:
msi H110M Pro-VH Plus --- (24 hours old)
1151 i5 6500 ----(not sure how old, was second hand from a friend)
16gb ddr4 2133mhz --- (24 hours old)
RX560 4GB OC--- (1 month old)
240gb ssd ---(1 week old)
2tb hdd--- (1 year old)
RX-530ss Raidmax 530W psu ---(1 month old)

i built my pc from ground up and started seeing that my GPU crashes under load and been struggling for weeks.
if the GPU is set to any power limit over -50% in msi afterburner it crashes in any benchmark and any game.

the GPU has been tested in another Computer and ran benchmarks at +75% power limit without fail.

i have installed a brand new mobo , brand new RAM , brand new everything besides the CPU basically.

took my system in to a tech who tested everything and his conclusion is that my CPU is being faulty and causing the GPU to not get the power it needs as AMD settings tells me my GPU only gets between 11W and 24W not more , not ever when in my system. but on another system its running 100% fine.

My CPU doesnt overheat not cause any other issues on my system , everything runs fine besides the GPU.

My CPU idle temp is around 40C and doesnt even go to more than 60C when using at full. GPU temp in my system never goes over 25C idle and 35C when using at -50% power limit.
It sounds like you might not be feeding the RX 560 enough power. Most RX 560s have an external power connection. Is there one on your card and is it connected?

I'm also wondering if your PSU is ok. I've got a Raidmax PSU, and I've had some problems with power. I'd have replaced it if I had the cash, but the system runs so it isn't a priority.
Feb 17, 2020
It sounds like you might not be feeding the RX 560 enough power. Most RX 560s have an external power connection. Is there one on your card and is it connected?

I'm also wondering if your PSU is ok. I've got a Raidmax PSU, and I've had some problems with power. I'd have replaced it if I had the cash, but the system runs so it isn't a priority.

I tested a brand new 550Watt PSU in the tech shop on my system with the exact same result and yes the 6pin PCI-E is plugged in.
Feb 17, 2020
This sounds like a PSU problem, Not feeding you GPU enough power Like Justin said above. If you want you can test this bu putting your friends PSU in your PC and see if anything changes

I tested a brand new 550Watt PSU in the tech shop on my system with the exact same result and yes the 6pin PCI-E is plugged in.

The only Change to the GPU i saw was when it was installed on another system and it ran 100% fine, but in my system it has beein crashing on 2 mobo's
Feb 17, 2020
Any OC on the CPU

The CPU is running at standard , never OC'ed anything before. i have a brand new mobo. the only part i never replaced is the CPU , everything else is between a month and 24 hours old.

The GPU has been crashing the exact same way on 2 different mobos with the exact same CPU every time , but not in another pc at the tech shop. i have tested every single part with old and new with same crashes , but GPU runs fine in another system with different CPU.

to me it only makes sense that my CPU is doing it...
that is kinda what im asking here.
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