
Aug 10, 2011
A couple of days ago I had to replace the MB on my PC after it died. I replaced it with a bit of a downgrade as I needed it back fast. The problem is the cpu fan seems to be running faster & PCWizrd claims the temps are at 127C. The system is a Pentium XE930@3Mhz, New board is Biostar G31-M7 TE, standard 775 heatsink with a cone, Vcard Geforce GT220, 4gig DDR2 ram(2gigs each of Patriot ram). Bios Hardware monitor shows CPU temp at 49C,fan at 4250rpm. PCWizard 2010 shows TMP IN0 127C, IN1 127C, IN2 42. Thermal zone 42C, The graphics card temp was 38C, Seagate HDD shows 42C & fan speed 50%. I used ArcticSilver 5 two separate times, followed instructions exactly & made sure all surfaces cleaned well. Bios was updated. PSU is 550watts & seems fine. The system seems to be running quite well actually, my kid played 2 hours of Fallout 3 without a problem. I am not sure what the 3 temps (IN0,1,2) are & why 0&1 are so high. Any ideas? Thanks


Apr 19, 2010
Hello ..
its recommended to to change the thermal grease in your case , also make sure your heatsink is well placed on processor surface , also you better remove your old thermal grease before replacing it with newer one , you can use any alcohol or just scratch it by any card like visa card ....etc
p.s:make sure you clean it from processor and heatsink as well
some temp programs gives false read of tamp's and needs to be updated
You can try HWMonitor as a better tool to watch your processor temps. It is free and it is made by the same people who make CPUZ. If the processor is running hot then the first thing to do is make sure that the HSF (heatsink/fan) is properly seated. It is sometimes advisable to remove the board from the case and check to make sure that the clips are all the way through the board and fixed in place.

Christian Wood
Intel Enthusiast Team


Aug 10, 2011
Hi thanks for the replies, I did remove to board once after initial installation. Completely cleaned heatsink & chip surface with alcohol & a cpl of coffee filters. I made sure the heatsink was properly seated (especially the 2nd time round). I checked the back of the board to make sure the bracket was seated firmly. The heatsink seems tight on the chip, only a slight rocking. AFter running it for four hours the heatsink was only slightly warm to touch all the way around. I just cant see how much more I can do in that area, maybe replace the heatsink? Funny thing PCwizard shows the temp always 127, no variation & the fan speed 0 rpm. I will try HWMonitor & see if that changes things. Could it really run for nearly 5 hours at 127C, with a load?

Thanks for all the help!


Aug 10, 2011
I tried HWMonitor & it showed all three temps lowest 41, highest 44. everything seems fine on that program. I am going to assume that PCWizard had issue with the new MB.
Thanks for the help. BTW my coffee tastes a little better now after using a filter to clean the heatsink lol!