[SOLVED] CPU bottleneck with SLI


Aug 10, 2016
I recently found a really good deal on another 1080 and jumped on it so I could run it in sli. I currently have a i7 6700k @4.2 GHz and was wondering him much it would be bottlenecking my computer running dual 1080s and what kind of performance I would potentially be losing.
My full build list is
I7 6700k @4.2ghz
Msi g5 motherboard
32gb gskill 2400mhz
EVGA gold 1000w psu
Msi gtx 1080x (X2)
And FYI the dual GPUs will mainly be for 3D rendering not necessarily for gaming (I do a lot of gaming too tho)
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You shouldn't have too much bottlenecking, mainly because you're not really getting that much of a performance boost. Multi-GPU support is bordering on non-existent and even when it still functions, it's common for the performance to scale very poorly. In a lot of new games, SLI/Crossfire isn't supported at all and drivers are far less geared towards making multi-GPU solutions work than, say five or six years ago.
You shouldn't have too much bottlenecking, mainly because you're not really getting that much of a performance boost. Multi-GPU support is bordering on non-existent and even when it still functions, it's common for the performance to scale very poorly. In a lot of new games, SLI/Crossfire isn't supported at all and drivers are far less geared towards making multi-GPU solutions work than, say five or six years ago.
There wont be a huge of a bottleneck. But they expense of going and adding another 1080ti looks bleak. Many titles dont even support SLI and the developers are ditching the SLI/Crossfire Support for almost all games,. The performance would be minimal in games too. If only applicable place to see SLI is for rendering or doing graphics intensive work. The drivers for SLI have too gone to the downside compared to previous decade.