CPU cooler for an nVidia 790i Ultra MB


Aug 7, 2006
I've built a computer using a new EVGA 790i Ultra MB with an Intel X3360 CPU. I'd like to install a more effective cooler than the stock Intel unit, but the chipset heatsinks around the CPU are quite tall.

I tried a Zalman 9500, but the mounting was hitting the heatsinks and I didn't want to cut into the fins on such an expensive board.

I would also prefer a cooler that would blow directly down on the CPU and then out through the heatsinks to cool them.

I've looked at Frys and Tigerdirect and both carry a Thermaltake unit called the Blue Orb. It's large and I'm not sure it would fit.

Has anyone tried to use one of these coolers on a 790i Ultra board?

Thanks for any help provided.
Currently I'm using this on my EGVA 790i Ultra.....

Cooler Master Hyper TX2 CPU Cooler


It's tons quieter than the stock HSF, and you don't have to take out your MoBo to install it. It doesn't blow down directly as it is a heat pipe. It does have a shroud that blows air downward at the back.

It may not be exactly what you are looking for, but it fits, and you can leave your Mobo in the case, because it uses the pins not the back plate. Tom's rates it pretty good as well.

Your Mobo should have come with a chipset fan as well.....did you put that on? It helps with the parts that the shroud on the Hyper TX2 doesn't get at.