[SOLVED] Cpu fan speed revving up and down constantly

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Jun 15, 2017
My cpu fan constantly changes speeds, going up and down every 5-10sec, even when not playing games or doing anything. It's quite loud and I feel it's unnecessarily drawing more power when it doesn't need to. New Pc build, I haven't messed with bios before or anything so not sure if I have to change fan speed settings or anything like that. I know my temps are fine either way, I feel like the voltage might be off or something i'm not sure. I downloaded all my drivers from Msi and I just assumed the Bios is to-date, the board being ryzen 3000 ready.

Mobo is Msi B450 Tomahawk Max

pc specs: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/bLdsmg
Using stock Wraith Spire cooler.
Does your system have fan curves that can be adjusted?
Can you adjust response time, try 0 or 1 second. The fans will change speed to changes in temperature quicker.

Not sure, don't know how I would do that. I tried to look it up but couldn't find anything on how to actually do it, just people talking about settings and whatnot. I just don't understand why it's changing so much when my temperature is staying stable though?
I got it working a bit better, albeit still a bit loud. I guess I'll just deal with it for now and upgrade later to a Noctua or something. Thanks for the help/advice though.

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