Question CPU fans randomly shut down while computer is on and gives me a black screen

Jul 20, 2024
Specs: r5 5500, RX 580 2048sp, power spec 650w PSU, t-force 16gb ram (8x2), gigabyte b450m WIFI

Hi everyone, as you can see on the title, I've been having problems with my pc. It's been fine for the past couple of weeks, but now it's turning into complete CHAOS.
First, my GPU started acting up. Windows wasn't recognizing it and everything was running like a PowerPoint presentation. I figured out it was a driver problem and when I enabled and installed the actual driver instead of the basic display adapter, it worked. but now every time I reboot, it reverts back to the MS one. Second, my CPU fan is being REALLY weird. it sometimes will POST and not even turn on the CPU fans, which is not exactly what you want on a desktop PC. I checked the cable, and it was fine. Also, it will sometimes stop spinning completely randomly, and then start spinning again. Third, my PC will randomly shut down. I think this has something to do with the CPU fans, but every time I open Ryzen master to check temps and power usage, NOTHING is wrong. I can see that the temps are all average and there isn't any abnormal power usage, but even then it'll shut off. I found out that any time I open any CPU heavy program, it has a 50/50 chance of shutting off.

Possible causes:
PSU: if it is then I guess that's my fault for cheaping out on it lol
CPU fan: don't know what could be causing it but its clearly related
Drivers: even if it is, I can't install them without my PC shutting off while I'm installing them

sorry if I did a bad job explaining stuff I'm trying to write this as fast as possible before the pc shuts down