Cpu fried! or so it seems


Dec 8, 2002
So i boot up at 12pm...i play diablo2 for 5 hours straight. Im in the middle of a game when my monitor goes into powersave. I look down and my pc is off. Although, the power led is still bright, and the mobo power led is still on. So it looks like my pc is on, except when i touch the side of the heatsink, it almost burns my finger...Could it be my cpu (athlon 2800+) overheated in my intense gaming streak, or could it be something, ANYTHNG else that would save me 365.10 dollars Canadian for a new cpu and heatsink....? D;

<A HREF="http://www.[-peep-]/page.php?x=1137060" target="_new"> BeZ's SeXy Link </A>


My xp2500+ shut down like that while I was building it. Thank god for the thermal cutout. It was fine after it cooled. (overclocked it to 3200+ speeds later, it's now in my daughter's rig.) If yours died, and it's retail, rma it.
If it's oem just get an xp-m 2500+ and set the multiplier and fsb to xp3300+.


Feb 13, 2003
I have had this problem before, and i nearly had to b-line it to the bathroom. Any who instead of the chip frying it was the motherboard. In my 10+ years of amd experience I have never sent back a chip today. Good odds I say (!""Knock on Wood""!).

What is your motherboard. Most if not all will kill the power if your cpu over heats.

What is your powersuppy? Wattage?

My advice is to unplug your system. Let it sit with out power for a while. 24 hours or so. and try to power it up.

Also make a friend that lives in the US to buy you computer parts. You'll save alot of money. I do it for my AUS pals.

Main System Specs
AMD Athlon64 3200
Asus K8V SE Deluxe
ATI Radeon 9800XT
Kingston Hyperx 1GB
SB Audigy
SATA150 TX2plus
Samsung 172X


Dec 8, 2002
My mobo is a a7n8x-x.. The psu is a 400 watt. It cant be the psu because it still powers on the mobo (welll the little green led). I tried letting it sit without any power. Tried turning it on after that and the 2 outside fans made a quick little flash of their led lights and a 10th of a turn. Then dead...

<A HREF="http://www.[-peep-]/page.php?x=1137060" target="_new"> BeZ's SeXy Link </A>


Feb 6, 2004
Could still be your PSU though; 3v might work, but 12v could be dead (or vice versa). If you can, try another PSU, its the quickest thing to replace/check and the most probable component to die. Also try unplugging all fans, expect the CPU fan (and try another fan for the cpu). They can short circuit when they burn out, which would probably give you that exact behaviour.

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =


Also dont be affeaid to smell =)
Seriously most components will have that distinsctive smell when they fry...

Asus P4P800DX, P4C 2.6ghz@3.25ghz, 2X512 OCZ PC4000 3-4-4-8, Leadtek FX5900 w/ FX5950U bios@500/1000, 2X30gig Raid0


Feb 13, 2003
He’s right about the smell part. Check it out.

Do you have another psu that you can test with? If not unplug everything from you current psu and use small metal wire to short pins 5,7 (i think; do a google) and then see if your psu turns on. I was trying to find a picture to show you, but i had no luck. My boss keeps coming to talking to me. But i am sure a google search would turn up something. You are trying to short the "PWR_ON" and ground pin, if i remember correctly. If i am wrong please someone correct me.

If it turns on its not your psu. But also try plugging some fans and other unimportant stuff into it and see what happens. But i still think its the motherboard. Motherboards are made to sacrifice themselves for the cpu. Cpus usually cost more.

Main System Specs
AMD Athlon64 3200
Asus K8V SE Deluxe
ATI Radeon 9800XT
Kingston Hyperx 1GB
SB Audigy
SATA150 TX2plus
Samsung 172X


Dec 8, 2002
sorry for the post delay, fourms kept logging me out. Anyway i had an even older generic 300watt psu sitting around. I plugged it in and magic. Everything worked again. So i WAS happy. Then today, with my crappier psu, the EXACT same thing happened to me. Now im wondering if it really is the psu> .. oh and if mobos are meant to sacrifice themselves , i dont think that is the case if it worked again. Hmm

<A HREF="http://www.[-peep-" target="_new">/page.php?x=1137060] BeZ's SeXy Link </A><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by BeZ on 07/22/04 02:12 PM.</EM></FONT></P>


Dec 8, 2002
Im heading out to buy the necessary parts in a couple hours.. I hope im not mistaken and buy the wrong parts. It couldnt be the cpu because it was running perfectly for at least 12 hours after the first problem. Or the mobo in that case.. I hope its just two crappy psu's in a row. The cpu is running at 55 while in a game for hours and the mobo is running at 29-31...

<A HREF="http://www.[-peep-]/page.php?x=1137060" target="_new"> BeZ's SeXy Link </A>