Question CPU Hight Pitch Noise

Feb 22, 2020
I have an i5 8600k and today I switched GPU to a 5600 xt. After that the CPU started to make a constant noise, both in idle and during load. Temps are however fine.
I've noticed that the sound of the noise goes up when I turn energy mode to performance and it isn't as load when it's in balanced. Higher clock speeds = more noise.

The CPU is not overclocked.

The noise: (you probably want to turn volume up)

I have 1 year left on my warranty so I could contact the reseller but I wanted to ask here before I do that.
Please help.

EDIT: The noise only appears when Windows is started. There is no noise at all in BIOS.
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can barely hear it through that video but sounds like it could be a fan making the noise. maybe only starts at higher fan speeds.
doesn't sound like a system alarm.

try stopping the CPU cooling fan and see if the sound stops with it.

I started the PC without the CPU fan and also with unplugging Sys_fan 1, the noise was still there.
I also plugged out my new GPU which I installed yesterday. With intergrated graphics on the noise was still there.

I am 99% sure that the noise is comming from the CPU/VRM region so I don't understand why someone moved it to GPU.
Check your power supply, and any and all fans for bad bearings, followed by all other moving parts. in the video it sounds like it could be a fan; OR it could be High Voltage current, buzzing due to a faulty PSU, a faulty water pump (if liquid cooled), or it could be a window a/c in the background for all i know, lol.

Also, is that a Sapphire GPU? If so return it, I say, because in my experience, all they do is break, and take other components with them...
It is nothing personal, I simply professionally recommend avoiding sapphire and visiontek specifically, due to their long record of poor QC and support. Typically I've found over the last 25 years, that the 10 or 20 bucks you save is never worth it with these 2 companies.

Also check the power supply again?
What is the PSU rated?
Did you subtract 25% from that number, then calculate how much power you'd need to run it?
It's possible that is in fact high voltage current i'm hearing... PLEASE for the love of god, BE VERY CAREFUL until you confirm it isn't. Probably a fan, but I won't rule it out, until it is ruled out.
In fact, if you confirm it is not a fan or drive, I'd suggest just swapping the PSU for something proper, or taking it to a professional/contacting your retailer/etc.

If you are having this rare and uncommon issue, the high voltage CAN KILL YOU! DO NOT TRY TO SERVICE THE PSU YOURSELF!
Check your power supply, and any and all fans for bad bearings, followed by all other moving parts. in the video it sounds like it could be a fan; OR it could be High Voltage current, buzzing due to a faulty PSU, a faulty water pump (if liquid cooled), or it could be a window a/c in the background for all i know, lol.

Also, is that a Sapphire GPU? If so return it, I say, because in my experience, all they do is break, and take other components with them...
It is nothing personal, I simply professionally recommend avoiding sapphire and visiontek specifically, due to their long record of poor QC and support. Typically I've found over the last 25 years, that the 10 or 20 bucks you save is never worth it with these 2 companies.

Also check the power supply again?
What is the PSU rated?
Did you subtract 25% from that number, then calculate how much power you'd need to run it?
It's possible that is in fact high voltage current i'm hearing... PLEASE for the love of god, BE VERY CAREFUL until you confirm it isn't. Probably a fan, but I won't rule it out, until it is ruled out.
In fact, if you confirm it is not a fan or drive, I'd suggest just swapping the PSU for something proper, or taking it to a professional/contacting your retailer/etc.

If you are having this rare and uncommon issue, the high voltage CAN KILL YOU! DO NOT TRY TO SERVICE THE PSU YOURSELF!

My PSU is a Corsair CX650m, not the best PSU but it isn't even that old, changed it 8 months ago so it's covered under warranty. I have a CoolerMaster B500 lying around (not the best PSU either) but it will work for troubleshooting.

I am certain the noise is comming from the VRM/CPU. If the PSU is not the problem, I guess a motherboard change would solve the issue.
Yeah I'd be genuinely surprised if a corsair did that. But you did just plug a 5700XT into (what board is driving this?) I'm curious about the VRM's as well, and would need the board model to do more research. If it isn't too much trouble would you be willing to post some specs, or even a userbenchmark perhaps, just for some hardware insight?
And while that is a cX650m and it has a 650W badge but continuous output will be lower. I also see that PSU only has a single rail, this is probably your root issue. But I wouldn't rule out any component damage, because this looks like the recipe for exactly that, from my experience. Not saying it is, just that we shouldn't make assumptions. especially when riding the line in terms of wattage. I wouldn't expect a 650W to drive a near 200W chip if OC'd at all, and a 350W GPU, the number just don't add up for me. Are you able to complete an OCCT "power" test, an hour run or so should suffice to test. If it crashes, I'm onto something, if not, back to troubleshooting, at which point i'd try a known good 750W or better PSU or AT LEAST one with 2 rails making sure the CPU and GPU each have their own rail, and then look at your motherboard.

I'm interested to see what we find...
Yeah I'd be genuinely surprised if a corsair did that. But you did just plug a 5700XT into (what board is driving this?) I'm curious about the VRM's as well, and would need the board model to do more research. If it isn't too much trouble would you be willing to post some specs, or even a userbenchmark perhaps, just for some hardware insight?
And while that is a cX650m and it has a 650W badge but continuous output will be lower. I also see that PSU only has a single rail, this is probably your root issue. But I wouldn't rule out any component damage, because this looks like the recipe for exactly that, from my experience. Not saying it is, just that we shouldn't make assumptions. especially when riding the line in terms of wattage. I wouldn't expect a 650W to drive a near 200W chip if OC'd at all, and a 350W GPU, the number just don't add up for me. Are you able to complete an OCCT "power" test, an hour run or so should suffice to test. If it crashes, I'm onto something, if not, back to troubleshooting, at which point i'd try a known good 750W or better PSU or AT LEAST one with 2 rails making sure the CPU and GPU each have their own rail, and then look at your motherboard.

I'm interested to see what we find...

I recorded a better video of the sound:
And I did a UserBenchmark:
I also ran OCCT for 1h and during the test the noise was gone. As soon as I finished it, the noise came back. It never crashed.

Test summary:
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