Cpu load balance


Jun 7, 2012
Recently I have been noticing load balance issues with my setup. It always seems to me that core 2 is being taxed much harder than the other 3. While running Diablo 3in with maxed settings it puts core 2 to roughly 80% while the others sit happy at 20-25%. Any idea why core 2 is being hit so hard?

My set up is
AMD 965 black edition. Stock speed.
Sapphire 7970 OC
Asus mobo. (Can't remember exact specs buts its about 2 years old)
Samsung hdd
The cpu is watercooled and its in a corsair 800d obsidian full tower.
850w corsair power supply

On my phone so it may be a tad sloppy.
The Windows scheduler has just decided to make Core 2 your primary core for D3. Most games aren't that well threaded, so they won't make full use of a quad core CPU. If you aren't running into any performance problems, I wouldn't worry about it, this is quite common with many games, they will lean heavily on one core, and not make much use of the others. If you really want to, you can set an affinity for Diablo 3 in the task manager to force it to use a different core heavily, but that won't effect performance in any way.