errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr how do i do that anyone give me a guide? hehe😛
in disk management it dosen;lt let me partition the drie or format it...
i deleted the windows versions manually..
fdisk is a program for partitioning and formatting hard drives. It don't think this program allows you to repartition without destroying/deleting the data on the drive. If you use fdisk, you will lose your data.
Since you want to keep your data on the E drive/partition, Partition Magic (~$40 US dollars) might work.
It sound like you removed the operating system so you can not boot into Windows which means you CAN NOT install Partition Magic. It also means that retrieving your data is more complicated/difficult/expensive.
If you can not boot into Windows the only free way of retreiving your data is to use a Linux distribution (like Knoppix) that runs from a CD. Boot into Linux and use Linux to burn your data to CD(s).
If you are easily offended do NOT read below this line.
Based on the questions you ask and the things you do, it appears that you put zero effort in figuring stuff out for yourself. You expect the THGC to do everything for you.
Most of the information you seek is available in your manuals or through a quick Google search.
It also seems like you do stuff and then ask questions. If you figured out stuff first you probably would spend less time on the forums asking questions and screwing stuff up.
How difficult is it to proofread your post? How difficult is it to use proper grammar and punctuation? The clearer that you make your posts, the easier it is to read, figure out what you are asking and respond appropriately to your questions/requests.