CPU not recognized and checksum error - pls help!


Jun 9, 2004
Hey guys, you helped me pick out this system and now I'm hoping you can help me get it running.

I just set up my NF7-S with my AMD XP Mobile 2600+. Everything is set up and I booted the machine up for the first time but the cpu was not recognized.

The CMOS went with "safe settings" (600mhz) but windows xp won't boot off my old drive.

The initial screen shows "Checksum error", but I can't find a reference to what that is in the manual.

I also can't see how to get SATA1 as the primary drive. (Sata1 is a new drive. The old drive, which already has XP on it, is an IDE)

I need help accomplishing the following:

1) Get the CPU recognized
2) Resolve the "Checksum" error.
3) Get the machine to boot by the CD (For WinXP)
4) Get WinXP to install to my SATA1 drive and make that the primary drive for booting etc.

Thank you for your help!

well im going to have a stab in the dark and try help ya 😛

1) Get the CPU recognized
2) Resolve the "Checksum" error.
3) Get the machine to boot by the CD (For WinXP)
4) Get WinXP to install to my SATA1 drive and make that the primary drive for booting etc.

1) might need a bios update to reconize the cpu dunno
2)The checksum error is product of the battery state low or some bad configuration.
I recommend this: disconnect all expansions card and ide cables. then try to boot normally. If don´t show the checksum error, the motherboard is ok and the problem is in some of the expansion card or ide cables.
3)set boot configuration in the bios for cd first
4)make sure u enable sata in the bios then install xp on it as normal

If u do things right.... People won't be sure you've done anything at all......
You are sure that your CPU bus speed and such are set correctly?

Also remember you will have to hit F6 to install SATA drivers during XP setup.

My Desktop: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc.html</A>
Overclocking Results: <A HREF="http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc2.html" target="_new">http://Mr5oh.tripod.com/pc2.html</A>
Hey Adam,

I've got an NF7-S v.2 and a mobile 2600+. I'll try to help.

1) Get the CPU recognized
It's a mobile, made for a lappie, so a desktop mobo won't be able to recognize it (they're not built to). It's normal and, more importantly, doesn't matter.

All it means is that you have to tell the mobo what FSB and multiplier for the cpu (Again, because the mobo doesn't recognize it - meaning it doesn't have that info built into it.)

I suggest you start with FSB 166 X 11 (multi) and vcore at 1.45 (since it's an abit, which normally undervolt vcore, you may to set it at 1.5 in bios, just check your REAL vcore with motherboard monitor 5)

2) Resolve the "Checksum" error.
This is also normal when you boot up, or clear cmos. When you set up your bios (the FSB, multplier, date and time etc.) it will normally take of itself. I.e., the checksum error thingy should disappear.

3) Get the machine to boot by the CD (For WinXP)

When you get the above done, this should be no problem. May wanna set your optical drive to first in the boot order though

4) Get WinXP to install to my SATA1 drive and make that the primary drive for booting etc.
OK, I'm not using my SATA so I'll to post give you some links. I'll post back with those in a few minutes.

Mobile XP 2600+ (11X200)
Abit NF7-S v 2.0
Maxtor 60GB ATA 133 7200RPM
512MB Corsair Twinx 3200LL
BBA 9800 Pro
Enermax Noisetaker 420 watts
Win98SE<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by Coyote on 08/04/04 12:36 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
For instruction on setting up SATA, go here (I think it's the front page, so look to the left side and click on the SATA guide)
<A HREF="http://www.lvcoyote.com/" target="_new">http://www.lvcoyote.com/</A>
and here <A HREF="http://forum.abit-usa.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37734" target="_new">http://forum.abit-usa.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=37734</A>

and another link to SATA help <A HREF="http://www.nforcershq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40476" target="_new">http://www.nforcershq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=40476</A>

Links to help with BIOS settings:
<A HREF="http://www.nforcershq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19890" target="_new">http://www.nforcershq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19890</A>
<A HREF="http://www.nforcershq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16224&sid=e7e2b841c97868a9951cec7b976d1782" target="_new">http://www.nforcershq.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16224&sid=e7e2b841c97868a9951cec7b976d1782</A>

That outta get you going. BTW, the nForcersHQ and the Abit sites linked above are good places to hang around if you've got an NF7.

Good Luck

Mobile XP 2600+ (11X200)
Abit NF7-S v 2.0
Maxtor 60GB ATA 133 7200RPM
512MB Corsair Twinx 3200LL
BBA 9800 Pro
Enermax Noisetaker 420 watts
This is only slightly related but I have to ask...When I was setting up my rig, WinXP automatically recognized my SATA drive. I didn't use the drivers disk. It said that the disk was for setting up SATA RAID. Since I was only using 1 sata drive, I didn't think it necessary to use the drivers.....is that correct?
If nothing crashes, then yes, it's correct. You generally only need to force drivers during install if Windows can't find any to use in the first place.

<pre><b><font color=red>"Build a man a fire and he's warm for the rest of the evening.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life." - Steve Taylor</font color=red></b></pre><p>
Good advice.
For those who dont know, the checksum error is because the "saved bios" does not match what post shows. Since it has never Powered On to do the Self Test before, that is to be expected.
That's exactly what should happen. XP will recognize your single SATA drive. You only need to load the drivers for RAID config. Get everything set right in BIOS and you'll be fine. Remember to O'C in small steps once you get running. :smile:

Abit IS7 - 2.8C @ 3.4 - Mushkin PC4000 (2 X 512) - Sapphire 9800Pro - TT 420 watt Pure Power
Samsung 120gb ATA-100 - Maxtor 40gb ATA - 100