[SOLVED] CPU Usage at 100%

Feb 12, 2019
Recently I noticed that my system has been lagging a lot, which I have been blaming on my network. I decided to check my Task Manager to see what my network usage was looking like and was shocked to see that my CPU was at 100% usage! I'm not really sure how to lower its usage so any help will be greatly appreciated.

Parts List: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/BananaBaiter/saved/#view=ddXZ8d
CPU: Intel Core I5-7600K 3.8 GHz

View: https://imgur.com/a/FdAYA1d





Thanks again for any help! 😀
Are you running a 32bit OS ? Or have just downloaded 32bit programs instead of 64bit ? Not sure if this would make a huge difference in cpu useage . Other then that it seems pretty simple , discord is using the second large portion of cpu useage next to your game . Close discord to relieve some stress off of your cpu . I'm not an expert on the matter but that's the best advice I can offer . From your system list it doesn't seem like you should be at 100% by any means .
Are you running a 32bit OS ? Or have just downloaded 32bit programs instead of 64bit ? Not sure if this would make a huge difference in cpu useage . Other then that it seems pretty simple , discord is using the second large portion of cpu useage next to your game . Close discord to relieve some stress off of your cpu . I'm not an expert on the matter but that's the best advice I can offer . From your system list it doesn't seem like you should be at 100% by any means .
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Task manager is reporting 48% and 88% with Apex running along with other programs, discord, chrome etc.

Are you using vsync to cap fps? Your 1070Ti is capable of high fps and the cpu needs to pre-render those frames which adds to cpu usage. On quad core cpu all that running can be too much.
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You might download and run HWMonitor and see what is going on with your individual core usage, etc. Just make sure you get it from CPID.com, and nowhere else.

Apex Legends is a fairly heavy load for most CPUs and you going to want to limit your FPS (ideally to match or go below your refresh rate if necessary), and I'd even consider turning off antialiasing and such. I personally see no use for it in the games I play, and have yet to see a need for it.

If you want to post a picture of what you are seeing with HWMonitor, cool
I see Discord, and references to a cam?

4c/4t with a very good GPU?

You can expect 100% CPU usage on most any game, and, it will be worse the more extra cam/chat/discord tasks you throw at it... You can minimize the CPU struggling to keep the GPU fed by maxing out your res/quality settings, effectively shifting some of the burden to the GPU..

you are both thread and core challenged'....

For about the cost a 7700K (alas, still core-count challenged), you can instead have a new MB and an R5-3600..and a cooler...and live happily ever after! (OK, for 3-4 years at least)
I've asked for you to try HWMonitor and post what you see because I was getting a similar problem--one of my CPU cores was running at 100% on a new CPU. It happened twice. The first time it was because of something to do with Cortana, and I found a way to disable it. After that, a few weeks later, the same thing surfaced, and this was because of some Asus software, GameFirstV. I simply uninstalled it and the problem went away. Again, it was only on one core of a high count CPU core processor--a different situation, but maybe with a similar set of causes, maybe not.