[SOLVED] CPU usage is hitting 100% when i play games

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Mar 2, 2019
hi everyone.
I registered this site today to ask my problem.

My System is
CPU: i5-7600
GPU: RTX2060
RAM: 16GB(2400mhz)
Power: Micronics 500W
MotherBoard: ASUS B150M-A/M.2
Monitor: 144hz 1920x1080

I bought new graphic card RTX 2060
(before GTX 1060 3GB).
But fps is not enough.
ESPECIALLY Resident Evil 2 Remake.

Here I recorded this stuttering.
View: https://youtu.be/bbQWUTGktmc

fps is abnormal.
Furthermore, stuttering is really annoying me;;
When I move screen CPU usage hits 100% and fps is too low.

I dont think because of bottleneck.
Who plays with i5-2500k's case is better than me and no stuttering.

In case CS:GO 120~150fps,
League of Legends 144~250fps,
Battlefield 5 Multiplayer 50~90fps(ultra settings DXR Off)
AC:Origins 30~70fps

fps is too low why?

I did all method I can do.
Bios reset, Windows Format, Graphics Driver reinstall, Bios update etc.

What is this problem? why?

I visited AS center with my graphic card but they said this card is normal.

Hard disk bad sector searching program could not search bad sector.
I locked 60fps once but that stuttering wasnt eliminated. 2500k's case used ultra settings texture(3gb) same with mine.
And see up there Jojesa's thread. He has i5-2500k too but he hadnt seen that low fps

Well if that's happening at a locked 60, I'd say check task manager then, maybe something is running in the background and eating your CPU cycles without you even realizing it (could be some legitimate program that runs without an open window, or a virus/malware of some kind). This would lead to less CPU being available for the game. Also check your windows power settings and make sure that there isn't a limit set for maximum CPU performance (sometimes when this is set the OS will show your usage to be 100% but it really means...
While your CPU is above 90% usage what's its temperature?
It looks like it stutters when it hits 100% usage.

Since the RTX 2060 preforms similar (sometimes better) that the GTX 1080, then your CPU is holding back your GPU.
As you can see on your video your GPU is cruising by while your CPU cannot keep up.
I suggest you crank up the game detail settings higher (high or ultra) to have the GPU churning more data.

I have a 2500K and I haven't seen one that performs close to your FPS, unless they play with the lowest settings possible.
Your CPU might not be quite up to providing min 144 fps, and the stuttering perhaps occurs whenever the FPS drops below that amount, resyncs, etc...

4c/4t is more and more challenged with the faster GPUs...

Make sure your game is playing full screen and not windowed? Play with VSync on or off, to see if makes a difference in image stability...
My cpu is enough at FHD.
I said i5-2500k's case is better than me.

I play fullscreen or Borderless Window usual.
Im using FreeSync so I dont use VSync.
I turned on VSync but that stuttering is still ocurred.
While your CPU is above 90% usage what's its temperature?
It looks like it stutters when it hits 100% usage.

Since the RTX 2060 preforms similar (sometimes better) that the GTX 1080, then your CPU is holding back your GPU.
As you can see on your video your GPU is cruising by while your CPU cannot keep up.
I suggest you crank up the game detail settings higher (high or ultra) to have the GPU churning more data.

I have a 2500K and I haven't seen one that performs close to your FPS, unless they play with the lowest settings possible.

Lowest settings is same with Highest settings fps and stutteting.
I thought if texture higher gpu usage will be raised so i set High(8GB) but that stuttering is still occured.
My cpu is enough at FHD.
I said i5-2500k's case is better than me.

I play fullscreen or Borderless Window usual.
Im using FreeSync so I dont use VSync.
I turned on VSync but that stuttering is still ocurred.

That particular room is obviously CPU-bound, which is why the stuttering is occurring. All cores get pegged at 100% when you switch to a certain angle. IF you want to eliminate these frame pacing issue, lock the frame rate to 60. You reference a friend using an i5-2500K without this issue: What settings? What refresh rate, what resolution, is it the same room/scene? There's a LOT of variables here, but I'm betting your friend is using different settings and probably has vsync on with a 60Hz monitor to eliminate the frame pacing issue of trying to push an unlimited frame rate.
That particular room is obviously CPU-bound, which is why the stuttering is occurring. All cores get pegged at 100% when you switch to a certain angle. IF you want to eliminate these frame pacing issue, lock the frame rate to 60. You reference a friend using an i5-2500K without this issue: What settings? What refresh rate, what resolution, is it the same room/scene? There's a LOT of variables here, but I'm betting your friend is using different settings and probably has vsync on with a 60Hz monitor to eliminate the frame pacing issue of trying to push an unlimited frame rate.
I locked 60fps once but that stuttering wasnt eliminated. 2500k's case used ultra settings texture(3gb) same with mine.
And see up there Jojesa's thread. He has i5-2500k too but he hadnt seen that low fps
I locked 60fps once but that stuttering wasnt eliminated. 2500k's case used ultra settings texture(3gb) same with mine.
And see up there Jojesa's thread. He has i5-2500k too but he hadnt seen that low fps

Well if that's happening at a locked 60, I'd say check task manager then, maybe something is running in the background and eating your CPU cycles without you even realizing it (could be some legitimate program that runs without an open window, or a virus/malware of some kind). This would lead to less CPU being available for the game. Also check your windows power settings and make sure that there isn't a limit set for maximum CPU performance (sometimes when this is set the OS will show your usage to be 100% but it really means that it's 100% of the limit set, not 100% of the CPU's total available usage).

Although, I did notice that one of your drops was actually to 58, with 100% CPU usage, so that means the CPU was not able to feed the GPU enough data to pull 58 FPS at that particular moment, meaning some minor stuttering would occur at even a locked 60. Whether this is because of what I said above or not, I won't be able to tell you. When you did lock, was the issue alleviated at least? It should have been.

If everything checks out it's still a CPU limitation, and locking should alleviate the issue. Also, just because others say that they never saw a frame drop, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Some people legitimately don't notice, especially if it's only occasionally, and if they are locked, it may well only be occassionally.
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