Question Csgo lags but i have a 1070ti gtx nvidia and a Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-8700K CPU @3.70 Hz


Jul 26, 2019
Hi. I don't apparently when i'm playing csgo, my fps goes down to like 120 on certain maps. Like on dust2 my fps goes down to 90-130 which is really annoying because i use a 144hz monitor. Sometimes my fps is stable like at 270-300 (my fps max is sat to 300) but recently its mostly at low fps when playing on certain maps, also sometimes it goes down below 200 on other maps and i know with the specs i have my csgo should run atleast at above 300fps.. This problem started recently when i started playing csgo , can someone help me? thanks in advanced.

My specs are

1070ti gtx nvidia

Intel(R) Core(TM) I7-8700K CPU @3.70 Hz
So you were using the integrated graphics before? You will need to install the latest drivers for your card, you can download them from the Nvidia site.

How are your GPU and CPU temps while gaming AND in idle? Check with HWmonitor or MSI afterburner.
Hi after downloading the newest driver to my graphic card as you told me my fps is all good again 😀 thank you so much