D3 - Resurrection of Evil


Apr 8, 2004
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

Looking for a TV episode I missed (Deadwood) I noted that D3 RoE is
already available and being distributed on P2P! When was this released
in the US? Due for release on 8th April in the UK - it's no wonder that
games are copied. Didn't ID learn their lesson last time when D3 became
the most d-loaded game ever? Why not release at the same time in
various countries like they did with HL2 instead of staggering it across
the World? I'll wait but a lot of folk wont - not when they read posts
from their US cousins discussing the game. ID must be losing a mint.

It's a bit of a jump isn't it? I mean, er, chartered accountancy to lion
taming in one go.
You don't think it might be better if you worked your way toward lion
taming, say, via banking...
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

so there really soing that do you know if its ganna be online compatible
i just picked up a psp its great htey didn't have any games left i had
to find dynesty worriors at game stop it s really good for a portable
system but doom 3 already i hope they didn't just rush into this
instead of making it good

DarkSparten's Profile: http://www.video-game-forum.net/member.php?userid=223
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Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

On Sat, 2 Apr 2005 19:11:14 -0800, Video-Game-Forum
<non@no-mx.video-game-forum.net> wrote:

[attributions added - don't snip such attributes on usenet postings, even
if the conversation flow seems obvious on a web-forum].

>On Sun, 03 Apr 2005 02:41:36 +0100, Shawk <shawk@clara.co.uk.3guesses> wrote:
>>Looking for a TV episode I missed (Deadwood) I noted that D3 RoE is
>>already available and being distributed on P2P! When was this released
>>in the US? Due for release on 8th April in the UK - it's no wonder that
>>games are copied. Didn't ID learn their lesson last time when D3 became
>>the most d-loaded game ever? Why not release at the same time in
>>various countries like they did with HL2 instead of staggering it across
>>the World?

IIRC, ID Software intended it to be a simultaneous release, but as always,
there are some retail stores that jump the gun and sell early and the other
stores that receive the skipments late.

>> I'll wait but a lot of folk wont - not when they read posts
>>from their US cousins discussing the game. ID must be losing a mint.

>so there really soing that do you know if its ganna be online compatible
>i just picked up a psp its great htey didn't have any games left i had
>to find dynesty worriors at game stop it s really good for a portable

Ummm... Okay - I have no idea what you are talking about. As I said above,
don't snip attributions.

>but doom 3 already i hope they didn't just rush into this
>instead of making it good

Doom 3 most certainly isn't a rushed game. It may feel that way because
not much time was spent on the story, but the developers had to work long
and hard to create a new engine generation. Besides, Doom 3 was never
intended to have either a complex gameplay or plot - it's merely a standard
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

Raymond Martineau wrote:

>>On Sun, 03 Apr 2005 02:41:36 +0100, Shawk <shawk@clara.co.uk.3guesses> wrote:
>>>Looking for a TV episode I missed (Deadwood) I noted that D3 RoE is
>>>already available and being distributed on P2P! When was this released
>>>in the US? Due for release on 8th April in the UK - it's no wonder that
>>>games are copied. Didn't ID learn their lesson last time when D3 became
>>>the most d-loaded game ever? Why not release at the same time in
>>>various countries like they did with HL2 instead of staggering it across
>>>the World?
> IIRC, ID Software intended it to be a simultaneous release, but as always,
> there are some retail stores that jump the gun and sell early and the other
> stores that receive the skipments late.

Firstly thanks for making the point of the original post clear.

Looked at Play.com (UK) and Amazon.com (US) (which I should have done
last night but was terribly, terribly drunk). Not much research I know
but it looks like UK have release date of 8th and US have release date
of 4th. So, it does look like a staggered release but you *are* right -
some retailer has jumped the gun or there is someone within the
distribution pipeline that thinks he/she is doing the world a favour.

Shame - hate to see money being diverted from making new games.

It's a bit of a jump isn't it? I mean, er, chartered accountancy to lion
taming in one go.
You don't think it might be better if you worked your way toward lion
taming, say, via banking...
Archived from groups: comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.action (More info?)

"Shawk" <shawk@clara.co.uk.3guesses> wrote in message
> Looking for a TV episode I missed (Deadwood) I noted that D3 RoE is
> already available and being distributed on P2P! When was this released in
> the US? Due for release on 8th April in the UK - it's no wonder that
> games are copied. Didn't ID learn their lesson last time when D3 became
> the most d-loaded game ever? Why not release at the same time in various
> countries like they did with HL2 instead of staggering it across the
> World? I'll wait but a lot of folk wont - not when they read posts from
> their US cousins discussing the game. ID must be losing a mint.

Yep - its out there and its just more of the same.