DD-wrt router in network with Time Capsule


Aug 17, 2012
I currently have a Fios network with the Verizon router's wireless radio disabled, Time Capsule running off a LAN port for wireless and wired to a server computer. I'd like to replace the wired connection to the server with a DD-WRT router. I imagine the way to do that would be to run the DD-WRT router off a different LAN port from the Fios router to the server and still leave the Time Capsule in the router for wireless purposes.

This doesn't seem to be working and I think I'm missing something basic. Any advice would be appreciated.
Sort of the reverse (I think). I'd like to run the dd-wrt router as gigabit-ethernet into the desktop (as a vpn) and keep the time capsule serving the wireless (under a different IP). So would it be better to run both the routers separately off the main Fios router (through LAN ports) or run the dd-wrt router behind the Time Capsule (from the TC's lan port)? Or does it even matter?

Again, maybe this is easier than I'm giving it credit for
Well now you've thrown a bunch more ingredients into the requirements soup; a desktop, gigabit, vpn, different IP (you mean a different network??). My head is spinning at this point. Perhaps you haven’t quite thought this through until recently.

If you could nail down exactly what this would look like, maybe even a diagram, it would help. There’s just too much going on all at once here, making it hard to provide any useful, concrete suggestions.
Yeah. Sorry. I'll try this...

Current set-up
Fios Router (with wireless turned off) is the gateway. Running from the LAN port on there is a time capsule that I provides wireless to the house and ethernet to a desktop computer in the office.

Set up I would like
Fios router is the gateway. Time Capsule still serves wireless network for house. New router as a new network connects by ethernet to the desktop computer in the office (with the wireless on this router disabled).

Where would the New router go into the network? I imagine of the LAN port of the Fios router, but when I do that, I do not get internet connectivity through there (it does broadcast the wireless, but I can't access the router from the desktop)?

Sorry to be so confusing. Thanks again.
[strike]Then did you disable the DHCP server of the TC? Like the FIOS, it’s a router too. And if you didn't, then you probably have *two* DHCP servers on your network (one from each router), and that could be a problem.

I’m assuming, of course, you still consider the FIOS your primary router, and that its DHCP server is supposed to be the only one handing out IP addresses from its network.

Also, did you assign the TC a static IP address from the FIOS router’s network?[/strike]


That's a problem. Whenever you chain routers together, LAN to WAN, you *must* use different networks, or else routing becomes ambiguous.

So if the FIOS is using the 192.168.1.x network, perhaps the TC should be using the 192.168.2.x network, or 10.0.0.x, or whatever, just as long as it's different. If you update the TC w/ a static IP of and reboot it, it should automatically reconfigure the entire router w/ the 192.168.2.x network, including its DHCP server.

That’s why I’m walking you through your current setup, step by step (and I know it’s tedious) to find exactly what you have there and how it’s setup. Because if we start w/ a bad setup, it will still be a bad setup (maybe worse) once you make further changes.

Here's the Fios

Here's the TC
All I can really tell from those images is that indeed the two routers are using the same 192.168.1.x network. I would change the TC's static IP to, reboot it, and reboot the connected devices so they get IPs in the 192.168.2.x network.