decisions, decisions, decisions...


Jun 26, 2002
i'm trying to decide on a new soundcard to get for my new system... the two cards that i'm looking at are:

1. hercules gametheater xp
2. terratec dmx 6fire 24/96

im looking for a soundcard that must have a breakout box with plenty of digital/optical ins/outs, midi ins/outs, digital outs used for 5.1 sound in dvds (to go out to an external receiver), individual rca outs for 5.1 for games...

i'm a musician, however a hardcore recording functionality isnt required.. basically the speakers will be plugged into the receiver so hence the soundcard needs to be plugged into the receiver via digital/optical out with 5.1 encoded sound for dvd's and also the individual rca's for games (as they dont send out surround information as digital/optical)... i dont care much for which has EAX2 or EAX3...

im sticking with VIA too, so no go for audigy (plus ive never been a fan of creative labs anyway).

i'd go with GTXP as the breakout box is very nice.. the ONLY let down for me with the GTXP is that the board itself doesnt have a digital line-in for the cd-rom drive... the terratec card looks promising also however the positioning of the breakout box having to be within the front 5 1/4 bay will be most annoying to get cables around to the front of the box...

any one know of any other cards that i may have missed out on??

...and with every tear a dream.
You mentioned games...if your gonna play ANY games, stick with the GTXP over the 6fire...the 6fire does have some eax support but its nowhere near as good for gaming as GTXP.

In general, if your going to be doing any gaming, stick with a GTXP or Audigy. Only go for a pro-audio card if your going to use it strictly for music.

The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the empires state building, along came goblin, wiped the spider out