Deck - Weenie Ranged Potence


Apr 2, 2004
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Deck Name: Gate!
Created By: J
Description: Weenie Potence with Thrown Gate and Traps

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 6, Max: 15, Avg: 2.66)
1 Uriah Winter for pot 1 Caitiff
1 Hasina Kesi pot 1 Caitiff
1 Paul DiCarlo pot 2 Giovanni
1 Lupo pot 2 Brujah
1 KoKo pot 2 Nosferatu
1 Tommy ani pot 3 Nosferatu
1 Tom for pot san 3 Blood Brother
1 Raziya Samater ani pot 3 Brujah
1 Mario Giovanni nec pot 3 Giovanni
1 Hugo pre vic POT 4 Brujah
1 Hector Sosa pre POT 4 Brujah
1 Agatha obf POT 4 Nosferatu

Library: (75 cards)
Master (10 cards)
4 Potence
2 Blood Doll
2 Fame
2 Haven Uncovered

Action (16 cards)
9 Bum`s Rush
6 Computer Hacking
1 Rampage

Combat (45 cards)
8 Trap
5 Fake Out
8 Increased Strength
20 Thrown Gate
2 Mighty Grapple
2 Stunt Cycle

Equipment (4 cards)
3 IR Goggles
1 Hand of Conrad

--> J


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Just a note that Hector Sosa is not Antitribu


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J wrote:
>Library: (75 cards)

There is no reason in the world for this deck to be only 75 cards. I'd
likely add:

2 more Haven Uncovered
1 Dreams of the Sphinx or something to cycle cards
3 more Fake Out
5 Thrown Sewer Lids
4 Taste of Vitae

That can only help.



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David Cherryholmes wrote:
> wrote:
> > There is no reason in the world for this deck to be only 75 cards.
> > likely add:
> If he played it a few times at 90 and found he routinely had 15 or so

> cards left in his library, that'd be a reason, right?
A combat deck that can't get through all of its cards? Preposterous!
8) If you end up with 15 cards extra, just add in 15 Increased


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J wrote:
> 1 Uriah Winter for pot 1 Caitiff
1 Hasina Kesi pot 1 Caitiff
1 Paul DiCarlo pot 2 Giovanni
1 Lupo pot 2 Brujah
1 KoKo pot 2 Nosferatu
1 Tommy ani pot 3 Nosferatu
1 Tom for pot san 3 Blood Brother

1 Raziya Samater ani pot 3 Brujah
1 Mario Giovanni nec pot 3 Giovanni
1 Hugo pre vic POT 4 Brujah
1 Hector Sosa pre POT 4 Brujah
1 Agatha obf POT 4 Nosferatu

Looking specifically at the deck, I'd totally add at least 1 Jimmy Dunn
(newly available in the 10th anniversary set 2). And possibly a Chas
Giovanni. Swap out 2 of the 3 pointers for these two guys.

>Library: (75 cards)

Again, make this deck 90 cards. It uses a lot of cards, and even if you
just upped the percentages of the cards you already have in the deck by
20%, the deck will have a longer shelf life and not suffer at all from
having the extra cards. Ignore Cherryholmes. He's just being contrary

>Master (10 cards)
4 Potence
2 Blood Doll
2 Fame
> 2 Haven Uncovered

As mentioned elsewhere, go up to 90 cards. In doing so, you could fit
in a couple more masters--maybe 2 more Haven Uncovered and a card

>Action (16 cards)
9 Bum`s Rush
6 Computer Hacking
> 1 Rampage

Not bad at all. At 90 cards, I might consider a couple more Rush
actions--maybe one of those "only little Sabbat guys who fill up if
they win the fight" actions, and maybe another Rush or something.

>Combat (45 cards)
8 Trap
5 Fake Out
8 Increased Strength
20 Thrown Gate
2 Mighty Grapple
> 2 Stunt Cycle

Also not bad, but by going up to 90 cards, you can add in some Tastes
(which are always good), some Sewer Lids and a few more Fake Outs. And
when all else fails, more Incresed Strengths, which just flow like
water in this sort of deck.

>Equipment (4 cards)
3 IR Goggles
> 1 Hand of Conrad

Not bad, but I'd probably be inclined to replace most of the IR Goggles
with Fake Outs (maybe leave in one just in case), as even with all the
little vampires, you still don't generally want to wast actions

Hand of Conrad is always funny, and certainly worth having if you put
Jimmy Dunn in the deck, to ensure Jimmy Dunn superiority.



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> J wrote:
> >Library: (75 cards)
> There is no reason in the world for this deck to be only 75 cards.

Yeah, I'm with you there. Without getting into the "always vs. never"
debates, *this deck* really should be at 90 cards.

> I'd
> likely add:
> 2 more Haven Uncovered

Frankly, I'd opt for more rush action cards. Weenie rush decks take
lots of rush actions. Also, unlike the Immortal Grapple short range
versions of weenie potence rush decks, you're going to be thwarted by
S:CE and so your combats are on average probably not going to be as
successful as your cousin short-range potence decks.



Archived from groups: (More info?) wrote:

> There is no reason in the world for this deck to be only 75 cards. I'd
> likely add:

If he played it a few times at 90 and found he routinely had 15 or so
cards left in his library, that'd be a reason, right?


David Cherryholmes

"OK. So be it. It's not my view, but whatever makes you
happy, right? I'm all about making you happy, Dave. :)"

-- LSJ, V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.


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Robert Goudie wrote:

> Yeah, I'm with you there. Without getting into the "always vs. never"
> debates, *this deck* really should be at 90 cards.

Why? Are you just asserting that it will run out of cards? Have you
tried to play a weenie deck with 75? Honest question.

> Frankly, I'd opt for more rush action cards. Weenie rush decks take
> lots of rush actions. Also, unlike the Immortal Grapple short range
> versions of weenie potence rush decks, you're going to be thwarted by
> S:CE and so your combats are on average probably not going to be as
> successful as your cousin short-range potence decks.

He has the same intrinsic answer to S:CE that any weenie combat deck
will have: iterate them into the pavement. He also has far less of a
need for Taste of Vitae because he'll be at long range most of the time,
meaning most of the time he won't be taking any damage. And I have
experienced, on an almost weekly basis, the effectiveness of 6 or so
minions all bleeding forward for 1 (yes, no hacks), when those minions
have a pretty fair shot at torporing blockers (not saying this deck
necessarily does, just addressing the "not enough rush" idea in general).


David Cherryholmes

"OK. So be it. It's not my view, but whatever makes you
happy, right? I'm all about making you happy, Dave. :)"

-- LSJ, V:TES Net.Rep for White Wolf, Inc.


Apr 2, 2004
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Ok, all comments taken onboard. The reason for 75 cards is I like it,
and I thought I had the % worked out ok. Taking it up to 90 cards
makes the % screwed up a bit, but meh!, how does this one pan out?
Better? Will it flow ok? I'm not so sure that I'll get it to work as
well - ideas on how to make those numbers work?

Deck Name: Son of Gate!
Created By: J
Description: Weenie Potence with Thrown Gate Traps

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 6, Max: 15, Avg: 2.66)
1 Uriah Winter for pot 1 Caitiff
1 Hasina Kesi pot 1 Caitiff
1 Paul DiCarlo pot 2 Giovanni
1 Lupo pot 2 Brujah
1 KoKo pot 2 Nosferatu
1 Tommy ani pot 3 Nosferatu
1 Tom for pot san 3 Blood Brother
1 Raziya Samater ani pot 3 Brujah
1 Mario Giovanni nec pot 3 Giovanni
1 Hugo pre vic POT 4 Brujah
1 Hector Sosa pre POT 4 Brujah
1 Agatha obf POT 4 Nosferatu

Library: (90 cards)
Master (14 cards)
5 Potence
3 Blood Doll
1 Fame
1 Dreams of the Sphinx
4 Haven Uncovered

Action (18 cards)
6 Bum`s Rush
3 Ambush
2 Harass
5 Computer Hacking
1 Rampage
1 Legal Manipulations

Combat (56 cards)
9 Trap
8 Fake Out
9 Increased Strength
21 Thrown Gate
3 Mighty Grapple
2 Stunt Cycle
1 Chiram's Hold
3 Taste of Vitae

Equipment (2 cards)
1 IR Goggles
1 Hand of Conrad

--> J


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David Cherryholmes wrote:

> OK, replace "a few" with "a lot". There's definite advantages to having
> 75 cards vs. 90, especially if you are chaining two, three, or even four
> cards together. Definite advantages.

If you say so. I'm totally not buying it, but you are certainly welcome to
believe what makes you happy. I accept that in certain examples of
probabilities of drawing X that 75 cards might look better than 90, but as
going up to 90 mostly means simply adding more of the cards you want in your
hand anyway, I'm simply not seeing the math as being particularly important.

>I can imagine lots of ways that
> he wouldn't run out of cards, too. Like, people get afraid to block
> him, or run out of blockers because he's torpored them all. I mean, I
> can see the advantages of being at 90, too. But this is another one of
> those "always/never" things that I'm just going to disagree with.

Ok. I can see him not running out of cards at 75 cards just as much as I can
see him not running out of cards at 90 cards. But as the disadvantages of
running out of cards are huge compared to not running out of cards (i.e. you
are *much* better off ending a game with cards left over than you are
running out before the game is done), and this sort of deck can run out of
cards quickly, *and* the disadvantages of going up to 90 are protracted, at
best--heck, I'll continually maintain that if you took that exact same deck
at 75 cards and made it 82 by adding 2 more Haven Uncovereds and 5 Taste of
Vitaes, it would be a billion times better--I'd continue to say "there is no
reason in the world to be at 75 cards with this sort of deck." None. Well,
ok, if he does not have access to the needed cards to make it 90 cards.
Yeah, then, ok, the deck is better at 75 cards instead of making it 90 by
adding, like, 15 Gird Minions. But assuming reasonable card availablity, it
should be 90 cards.

> Sure it will, just not in a way that you think is important. But unless
> you've whipped out your can of Stat-Be-Gone, the cost is real.

The cost is completely insignificant compared to the power of making the
deck better by addingmore of the cards it needs and reducing the very
realistic chance of running out of cards.

> I'm kinda of being snarky, but I stand behind my point.

As I'd expect :)

Peter D Bakija

"How does this end?"
"In fire."
Emperor Turhan and Kosh


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Robert Goudie wrote:

> Yeah, I'm with you there. Without getting into the "always vs. never"
> debates, *this deck* really should be at 90 cards.


> Frankly, I'd opt for more rush action cards.

I'd certainly add a few more, but with so many small minions and no way to
circumvent S:CE, I'd figure that having more Havens means more strength
through pack hunting--uncover someone's Haven and attack. If they Majesty?
Attack again. And Again. Until they go down.

> Weenie rush decks take
> lots of rush actions. Also, unlike the Immortal Grapple short range
> versions of weenie potence rush decks, you're going to be thwarted by
> S:CE and so your combats are on average probably not going to be as
> successful as your cousin short-range potence decks.

Exactly why I'd increase the number of Haven Uncovereds--I mean, yeah,
again, I'd also add more Rush actions (and maybe turn a few into Harasses
for the Press), but the permanent (well, for the turn anyway) Haven lets you
rush the same guy 4 or 5 times if you really need to.

Peter D Bakija

"How does this end?"
"In fire."
Emperor Turhan and Kosh


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David Cherryholmes wrote:

> Why? Are you just asserting that it will run out of cards? Have you
> tried to play a weenie deck with 75? Honest question.

It might run out of cards. And the disadvantages of going up to 90 are far
smaller than the disadvantages of running out of cards.

I'd rather end a game with 20 cards left over 50 times before I'd want to
run out of cards before the game ends, given the choice. And as the
differences in drawing probabilities of a 90 card deck compared to a 75 card
deck, esepcially when you are beffing the deck up with simply more of the
cards you want to draw anyway, are almost insignificant, I'd rather be at

I accept that there are decks that don't use a lot of cards and have almost
zero chance of running out of cards, that'll do just fine, if not be just
better, at 80 or 70 cards, as opposed to 90. But the deck presented has a
very realistic chance of running out of cards over the course of the game,
even at 90 cards. Playing it at 75 is just asking for trouble.

> He has the same intrinsic answer to S:CE that any weenie combat deck
> will have: iterate them into the pavement. He also has far less of a
> need for Taste of Vitae because he'll be at long range most of the time,
> meaning most of the time he won't be taking any damage.

But the Taste of Vitae does something very important even if you aren't
seeing any ranged combat--it keeps you from needing to hunt to fill up the
Blood Dolls. A single taste, in the best situations, saves you 2 or 3 hunt
actions and hands you 2 or 3 free pool. In the worst situations, it means
you might not end up empty and forced to hunt after a Carrion Crows or a

Peter D Bakija

"How does this end?"
"In fire."
Emperor Turhan and Kosh


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Preston wrote:

> Just a note that Hector Sosa is not Antitribu

You are just being confused by weird line wraping. The "Antitribu" above
Hector Sosa belongs to the end of the line of the vampire above him.

Peter D Bakija

"How does this end?"
"In fire."
Emperor Turhan and Kosh


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David Cherryholmes wrote:
> Robert Goudie wrote:
> > Yeah, I'm with you there. Without getting into the "always vs.
> > debates, *this deck* really should be at 90 cards.
> Why? Are you just asserting that it will run out of cards? Have you

> tried to play a weenie deck with 75? Honest question.

No, I haven't tried to play any similar weenie decks like this with
only 75 cards. However, I've repeatedly run out of cards with similar
90 card decks.



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I like the 1 Chiram's Hold. Adds flavor, I hope I don't reveal myself
to be a total scrub, but I think with 8 Fake Outs, 3 Ambushes, and 6
Bums Rushs, the deck should have a maneuver to spare, and with al those
presses, 1-2 Well-Aimed Cars might not be too bad. I would also be a
fan of replacing all of the Traps with Mighty Grapples: they are more
flexible (i,.e you can add more during the press phase if you get into
a press war, and can be used as a strike in a pinch) and do you really
need combat to go more than a couple of rounds anyway. If you include 2
Well Aimed cars they will have a press if you get them off anyway.

I don't like the 5 Computer Hackings. It's almost like, why bother. I
think the deck would be better served by taking out the Computer
Hackings and adding two bleed retainers, 1-2 additional Fames, and a
Humanitas so that you can Torpor a famed minon, rescue him at stealth,
and torpor him again for 6 total bleed (7 including the pool lose at
the start of the turn).


Apr 2, 2004
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> Pretty much the same crypt (if not the exact same crypt?).

It is. :)

Not at all bad,
> but still, if you can get ahold of Jimmy Dunn, I'd put him in in a

I don't have Jimmy.

> Chas is kind of a toss up in a deck withouut Deflections, but Jimmy
is a
> total no-brainer.

I don't like Chas unless I'm playing Dominate, and then he's just a
blocker/flicker/blood doll. I hate his disad.

> to get these days. Oh, wait. Uriah Winter. Yeah, he wants to not be

Yes she does. She's crying out to be there. "Let me be in a deck",
that's what she said to me.

> Even with the weenie angle, you aren't going to have a lot of pool,
> Uriah is going to defect. A lot.

But it's funny. :) And it might NOT happen.

> > Library: (90 cards)
> > -------------------
> > Master (14 cards)
> > 5 Potence
> > 3 Blood Doll
> > 1 Fame
> > 1 Dreams of the Sphinx
> > 4 Haven Uncovered
> I'd be inclined to drop one of the Potence master for either the
second Fame
> back, or maybe just drop down to 13 masters--13/90 is closer to 10/75
> 14/90 is.

I really want POT, to the point that I considered going up to a 5 cap
limit. A 1/2 str gate really doesn't stack up against a 2/4 str gate.

> > Action (18 cards)
> > 6 Bum`s Rush
> > 3 Ambush
> > 2 Harass
> > 5 Computer Hacking
> > 1 Rampage
> > 1 Legal Manipulations
> The Legal is funny, but when I looked at your crypt, you only have 2
> vampires with pre, which is too gambley for my money.

Yes and no. I SHOULD get one of them out in the game.

> with more Harass than Ambush--Harass is less conditional (attack a
> with less than 4 blood *or* any tapped minion as opposed to only any
> minion) and Harass gives you the press you often will want more than
> manuver.

True, and I'm often heard saying how much Harass is superior to Ambush.

> > Combat (56 cards)
> > 9 Trap
> > 8 Fake Out
> > 9 Increased Strength
> > 21 Thrown Gate
> > 3 Mighty Grapple
> > 2 Stunt Cycle
> > 1 Chiram's Hold
> > 3 Taste of Vitae
> Not bad. I always kinda want to like Chiram's Hold (or, like, any of
> Hold cards), but thy usually seem difficult to pull off and really
get use
> out of--in this instance, you may have missed that Chiram's requires
you to
> put it on an opponent's acting minion

Whoops - yes I did. :( That was going to be sooo useful as well.

(i.e. you need to block someone to
> play it), and you probably aren't going to block much. Other than
> pretty reasonable. I might be inclined to use Lids instead of Stunt
> myself--yeah, Cycles allow you to prevent damage, but if you really
need to
> prevent the damage at long range, you are probably hosed anyway, and
> pressess off the Lids will often pay off. Maybe turn, like, 2 Cycle,
1 Trap,
> and 1 Gate into 4 Lids?

Hmmmm... I dunno, I can see what you're saying, but I also consider the
Cycles there for anti Ivory Bow tech, or opposition Lids etc. In all
honesty, the Cycles were Lids to begin with, but with no defense, I
switched to the cycles.

> > Equipment (2 cards)
> > 1 IR Goggles
> > 1 Hand of Conrad
> Very reasonable. But totally get a Jimmy Dunn in there to maximize
the Hand
> tech :)

I'm also considering an Ivory Bow.... thoughts?

--> J


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I don't like the Ivory Bow in this deck. If you are really concerned
with Ivory Bow defense, throw in a Fractured Armament or two. Correct
me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't it combo with Enhanced Strength so as to
allow you to destroy equipment and, at superior, do 3 damage? You will
still go to torpor from the agg damage, but as a weenie deck you should
be OK with that and they may go to torpor from the damage also.


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J wrote:

> Deck Name: Son of Gate!
> Created By: J
> Description: Weenie Potence with Thrown Gate Traps
> Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 6, Max: 15, Avg: 2.66)
> ---------------------------------------------
> 1 Uriah Winter for pot 1 Caitiff
> 1 Hasina Kesi pot 1 Caitiff
> 1 Paul DiCarlo pot 2 Giovanni
> 1 Lupo pot 2 Brujah
> 1 KoKo pot 2 Nosferatu
> 1 Tommy ani pot 3 Nosferatu
> 1 Tom for pot san 3 Blood Brother
> 1 Raziya Samater ani pot 3 Brujah
> 1 Mario Giovanni nec pot 3 Giovanni
> 1 Hugo pre vic POT 4 Brujah
> 1 Hector Sosa pre POT 4 Brujah
> 1 Agatha obf POT 4 Nosferatu

Pretty much the same crypt (if not the exact same crypt?). Not at all bad,
but still, if you can get ahold of Jimmy Dunn, I'd put him in in a second.
Chas is kind of a toss up in a deck withouut Deflections, but Jimmy is a
total no-brainer. Granted, you might not have him, but at least he is easier
to get these days. Oh, wait. Uriah Winter. Yeah, he wants to not be there.
Even with the weenie angle, you aren't going to have a lot of pool, and
Uriah is going to defect. A lot. Possible replacements include Mitchel, the
Head Hunter (possibly difficult to get, as he was only reprinted in, um,
maybe the Lasombra SW starter?) or, ya know, Jimmy Dunn.

> Library: (90 cards)
> -------------------
> Master (14 cards)
> 5 Potence
> 3 Blood Doll
> 1 Fame
> 1 Dreams of the Sphinx
> 4 Haven Uncovered

I'd be inclined to drop one of the Potence master for either the second Fame
back, or maybe just drop down to 13 masters--13/90 is closer to 10/75 than
14/90 is.

> Action (18 cards)
> 6 Bum`s Rush
> 3 Ambush
> 2 Harass
> 5 Computer Hacking
> 1 Rampage
> 1 Legal Manipulations

The Legal is funny, but when I looked at your crypt, you only have 2
vampires with pre, which is too gambley for my money. I'd also probably go
with more Harass than Ambush--Harass is less conditional (attack a vampire
with less than 4 blood *or* any tapped minion as opposed to only any tapped
minion) and Harass gives you the press you often will want more than the
manuver. But 11 Rush in 90 isn't that bad, especially with 6 bleed actions.

> Combat (56 cards)
> 9 Trap
> 8 Fake Out
> 9 Increased Strength
> 21 Thrown Gate
> 3 Mighty Grapple
> 2 Stunt Cycle
> 1 Chiram's Hold
> 3 Taste of Vitae

Not bad. I always kinda want to like Chiram's Hold (or, like, any of the
Hold cards), but thy usually seem difficult to pull off and really get use
out of--in this instance, you may have missed that Chiram's requires you to
put it on an opponent's acting minion (i.e. you need to block someone to
play it), and you probably aren't going to block much. Other than that,
pretty reasonable. I might be inclined to use Lids instead of Stunt Cycles,
myself--yeah, Cycles allow you to prevent damage, but if you really need to
prevent the damage at long range, you are probably hosed anyway, and the
pressess off the Lids will often pay off. Maybe turn, like, 2 Cycle, 1 Trap,
and 1 Gate into 4 Lids?

> Equipment (2 cards)
> 1 IR Goggles
> 1 Hand of Conrad

Very reasonable. But totally get a Jimmy Dunn in there to maximize the Hand
tech :)

Peter D Bakija

"How does this end?"
"In fire."
Emperor Turhan and Kosh


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> Combat (56 cards)
> 9 Trap
> 8 Fake Out
> 9 Increased Strength
> 21 Thrown Gate
> 3 Mighty Grapple
> 2 Stunt Cycle
> 1 Chiram's Hold
> 3 Taste of Vitae

You could replace some of the Gates with KMW's Earthshock; that way,
it'll be an undodgeable strike. Moreover, you could add more Tastes,
maybe up to a total of 4-6 of them.


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David Cherryholmes wrote:

> He has the same intrinsic answer to S:CE that any weenie combat deck
> will have: iterate them into the pavement.

When you have a stealth vote/bleed behind you every strike must count
because with no deflect and no serious pool gain you don´t have the time
to "iterate". Therefore weenie potence uses IG and cel-gun weenie uses
Psyche in abundant numbers.

> He also has far less of a
> need for Taste of Vitae because he'll be at long range most of the time,
> meaning most of the time he won't be taking any damage.

I always thought the Taste of Vitae as a "replenishment" for blood taken
off via Blood Doll. And it is not THAT unlikely to face tremere, guns or
carrions crows ...

johannes walch


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Preston <> wrote:
: I don't like the 5 Computer Hackings. It's almost like, why bother.

4-6 Computer Hackings are extremely good in a weenie Potence decks
without bleeding power. Definately worth to bother, you'll notice this
after squeezing an oust a few times just because of them - or not when
you only have rush and combat in hand.



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David wrote:
>You seem to be confusing "opinion" with "mathematical fact". It's no
>more up for debate than whether 2 + 2 = 4. What is up for debate is
>whether the decrease in the odds of clumping, which can be the death
>a deck, is relatively better or worse than the odds of running out of
>cards, which can be the death of a deck.

Again, I realize that there are instances of combinatorics where the
differences between 75 and 90 look like they'll make a difference. My
point is that, certainly is this deck, the difference is irrelevant.

>This is why your insistence that "no, going 90 is *always* better and
there's no reason to >ever choose 75" just looks uninformed.

See, I think the big problem here is that you have either absolutely
zero tolerance for hyperbole, or a complete inability to understand
hyperbole. But I don't think the latter is the case.

But that being said, in the deck in question, the statement that 90 is
always going to be better that 75, pretty much always, is the result of
nothing *but* information. It just isn't the abstract and mostly
irrelevant information from analysis of cominational math.

>First, your advice for this particular deck wasn't simply adding more
>the same cards. But even if it were, you can keep the proportions
>precisely the same. I'm assuming that you do. But you still make
>card flow poorer than it would be with fewer cards.

Adding Taste of Vitae is only making the deck work better. And adding
more Haven Uncovered is going to make the deck work better. Well, and
maybe a Dreams, which, also, just makes the deck work better. The rest
of the cards were more of the same. And you are correct that you can't
keep the proportions exactly the same. But you can keep them in a very
close area, and the difference, certainly is a deck with the large
numbers of the same card like this one, is going to be not an issue.

>The reason is that his deck intends to play Trap, and the
>Gate-Gate-Gate, chaining them out for as long as needed to torpor his
>opponent. Card flow is critical. Card flow matters. It may not
>to you as much as those few games that stick out in your mind as the
>ones where you ran out of cards, but that doesn't change the facts.

Adding more Gates and Traps, then, makes the chances of getting more
Gates and Traps increase.

>Realize that my position is far more moderate than yours. I'm willing

>to concede that being at 90 has its advantages. But so does being at

My position is that, for the deck in question, the advantages of being
at 90 are always going to outweigh the advantages of being at 75. There
might be minor advantages that come from being at 75, in terms of
combinational math, but these advantages are always going to be
outweighed by the advantages of being at 90.

>Your position is completely founded on the following premise:
>"Gagging almost never happens and, when it does, the consequences are
>trivial." I mean, instead of counting on one hand the number of times

>you've run out of cards -- an easy fact to recall -- how about
>the number of times you didn't win, and how many of those times not
>having the right cards in hand played a significant role? Now, which
>category do you *really* think is larger?

Making the deck larger by adding more of the cards you want in your
hand simply isn't going to have any measurable negative effect on your
ability to draw the cards you want. Especially when you want to draw
the cards that you put more in of. If I was like "Ooh! Put in 15 Gird
Minions!", then, well, yeah, you'd have an argument. But as I'm like
"Put in more Haven Uncovereds, which you want to draw, Traps, which you
want to draw, Gates, which you want to draw, and Tastes, which you
should have in their anyway", I'm not seeing it so much.

>and as far as the running out of cards things go, I'll just (re)state:
>see weenie decks all the time, every week. I see them win a lot. I
>them win *a lot* with plenty of cards left in their ash heap. Nobody
>has said anything to convince me that running out of cards is a more
>probable obstacle than having a poor hand.

Sure. But you aren't going to have a poor hand any more than you would
at 75 cards. 'Cause the cards you are adding are the cards you want to
draw anyway.



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J wrote:
>I don't have Jimmy.

Ahh, but see, you should :)

>I don't like Chas unless I'm playing Dominate, and then he's just a
>blocker/flicker/blood doll. I hate his disad.

Very reasonable. He is a dicey choice. But sometimes he works out ok.

>Yes she does. She's crying out to be there. "Let me be in a deck",
>that's what she said to me.

Well, you can't really argue with that kinda logic.

>I really want POT, to the point that I considered going up to a 5 cap
>limit. A 1/2 str gate really doesn't stack up against a 2/4 str gate.

True, but if you get a 4th POT vampire in the crypt (i.e. Jimmy...),
you usually have one in play early, the pot vampires can usually do
enough damage also early, and by mid game, even with 4 Potence master,
you'll probably have 2 or 3 POT vampires in play.

>Yes and no. I SHOULD get one of them out in the game.

Well, with only 2 in 12, you regularly won't draw one. But still, it is
only one card, so probably worth the effort.

>True, and I'm often heard saying how much Harass is superior to

Well, if you want the manuver, you are better off with the Ambush. But
as you have Gates and Fake Outs, and maybe even an IR Goggles, the
press is probably going to be better than the manuver, and in either
case, you'll likely get blocked most of the time anyway.

>Hmmmm... I dunno, I can see what you're saying, but I also consider
>Cycles there for anti Ivory Bow tech, or opposition Lids etc. In all
>honesty, the Cycles were Lids to begin with, but with no defense, I
>switched to the cycles.

Reasonable. The way I figure it, really, if you need the defense, you
are probably hosed. If they can fling Lids and Carrion Crows and
whatever, you aren't going to do so well in the long run, which is why
I'd sooner use Lids. But I don't think the Cycles are really going to
hurt much, either.

>I'm also considering an Ivory Bow.... thoughts?

Well, you might consider swapping the Bow for the Goggles--having one
in play never hurts, and it certainly could help to contest it when
your prey has one in play.



Archived from groups: (More info?)

Weenie decks or weenie combat decks? Gate decks and Aid From Bats
decks in particular tend to go through a lot of cards, especially since
it often takes them 3 cards just to get foiled by 1 S:CE.

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