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> Your sales methods got me, I'll take it! Can I expect service like
> that after the sale too?
> Really man, lighten up. Auction prices aren't retail so you would
> expect more selling it someplace else, but even a search of completed
> auctions on e-bay shows no Mortal Kombats going for anywhere near that
> price.
Pretty much. Everyone knows there are two different pricing schemes.
The 'Collector' price, ie what you get at auctions and generally Usenet
pricing, etc. Prices for people in the know. Then there's retail. A
$200 game at collector level become $795 at Retail, etc. But Retail can
get you a cleaner game and sometimes gets you delivery and support
services.. so a good chunk of the price is in service.
I think anyone whose been to an Auction in the last 5 years knows
everyone is dumping out 25in games at fairly cheap prices. They made I
think, 1.2 billion MK*.* games, all in basically the same cabinet so
you see -a lot- of them. Normally speaking, a decent MK1-3 (not mint
but solid) will run in the $200-$300 range. A nice or minty one is in
the $300-$400 range. Maybe an exceptional one would go for $500
(maybe). The games are also extremely common. So I don't think anyone
in there right mind on here would say that $1200+ is a good deal for
such a game, even 'mint'. This guy is more than welcome to post it, but
if the deal blows someone is going to point it out. Hell, people point
out even decent deals because you know, its the usenet and everyone is
a dick.
= numsix
[MK1 has a better cabinet anyway, front PCB access]