Dedicated Mortal Kombat 2 In Excellent condition Arizona



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I have a dedicated mortal kombat 2 arcade machine for sale in excellent
condition if anyone is interested.$1250 gets it.
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Your mortal kombat probably is only worth $300 mine is worth $1250.
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Wow! $300? I'll take ten of them then if you can get them for the price.
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Have to argee with prOk on this one, for this area of the country at
least. The orlando auctions have had nice dedicated MK2s for 300-450
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Wow, and I thought this was a 300.00 game!


<> wrote in message
>I have a dedicated mortal kombat 2 arcade machine for sale in excellent
> condition if anyone is interested.$1250 gets it.
> Thanx
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I friend of mine, bought one for $16.
And it's pretty damn nice too. Also it's working 100% of course.

Now if I could just find one for that price ;Þ


"Doug Titus" <> wrote in message
> Have to argee with prOk on this one, for this area of the country at
> least. The orlando auctions have had nice dedicated MK2s for 300-450
> max.
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How many games do you get for $1250?

<> wrote in message
>I have a dedicated mortal kombat 2 arcade machine for sale in excellent
> condition if anyone is interested.$1250 gets it.
> Thanx
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> I have a dedicated mortal kombat 2 arcade machine for sale in excellent
> condition if anyone is interested.$1250 gets it.
> Thanx

Does it come with the guy who played Johnny Cage?

I got some grass that needs cuttin'.. might be worth it.

= numsix
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> Have to argee with prOk on this one, for this area of the country at
> least. The orlando auctions have had nice dedicated MK2s for 300-450
> max.

I got an absolute mint MK1 dedicated a few auctions back (in Orlando)
for $350, and I thought I overpayed. You can buy MK1-3s all day long
for $300 give or take.

= numsix
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Just about every auction i've been to in the last 2 years had mk2's in
awesome shape for 300 give or take. at 1250 you're smoking something.


<> wrote in message
> Wow! $300? I'll take ten of them then if you can get them for the price.
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For what it's worth, I sold a pretty nice (but not minty) dedicated MKII on
eBay about a year ago for $860. I shipped it to Wisconsin, I believe it was,
at the buyer's expense.

<> wrote in message
>I have a dedicated mortal kombat 2 arcade machine for sale in excellent
> condition if anyone is interested.$1250 gets it.
> Thanx
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Please, everyone point me to their dedicated MK or MK2 for sale in mint
condition for $300-400. I want one!

Seems they are usually going for $600 or more in "decent" condition...
at least, every time I look for one...

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Your sales methods got me, I'll take it! Can I expect service like
that after the sale too?

Really man, lighten up. Auction prices aren't retail so you would
expect more selling it someplace else, but even a search of completed
auctions on e-bay shows no Mortal Kombats going for anywhere near that

And this is definitely not the place for high prices on common games.
Something rare or unique, maybe, but not for something that shows up at
most every auction for significantly less.

Best of luck to you, and I'll be the first to apologize if you get that
price. You have every right to try and sell it here for what you want,
no problem with that, but we have the right to say your smoking crack.
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> mk2 has all new >joysticks,marquee,cpo,harness,moniter,complete shopped
> out boards and gone through no repros either all nos items >and is in
> like new/excellent condition and not some >junkyard,yardsale,or auction
> throw away piece of trash like everyone elses low price >bargain junk.
> So if you don't like it then you can KISS MY ASS!

Dude, NEW MARQUEE? Get right the hell out of town. That's a $450 value
right there. I'll take it -- oh wait, kiss your ass? Hmmm.. I think
i'll go buy that $1495 War Gods on instead.

= numsix
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> Please, everyone point me to their dedicated MK or MK2 for sale in mint
> condition for $300-400. I want one!
> Seems they are usually going for $600 or more in "decent" condition...
> at least, every time I look for one...

Where are you looking?

= numsix
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> Your sales methods got me, I'll take it! Can I expect service like
> that after the sale too?
> Really man, lighten up. Auction prices aren't retail so you would
> expect more selling it someplace else, but even a search of completed
> auctions on e-bay shows no Mortal Kombats going for anywhere near that
> price.

Pretty much. Everyone knows there are two different pricing schemes.
The 'Collector' price, ie what you get at auctions and generally Usenet
pricing, etc. Prices for people in the know. Then there's retail. A
$200 game at collector level become $795 at Retail, etc. But Retail can
get you a cleaner game and sometimes gets you delivery and support
services.. so a good chunk of the price is in service.

I think anyone whose been to an Auction in the last 5 years knows
everyone is dumping out 25in games at fairly cheap prices. They made I
think, 1.2 billion MK*.* games, all in basically the same cabinet so
you see -a lot- of them. Normally speaking, a decent MK1-3 (not mint
but solid) will run in the $200-$300 range. A nice or minty one is in
the $300-$400 range. Maybe an exceptional one would go for $500
(maybe). The games are also extremely common. So I don't think anyone
in there right mind on here would say that $1200+ is a good deal for
such a game, even 'mint'. This guy is more than welcome to post it, but
if the deal blows someone is going to point it out. Hell, people point
out even decent deals because you know, its the usenet and everyone is
a dick.

= numsix

[MK1 has a better cabinet anyway, front PCB access]
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Where are these $300 ones? I've been to 2 of the Winston Auctions in the
last year, and they either have no MKs or the ones there are trashed. There
certainly aren't any nice ones going on Ebay for that price.

So hear it is, if you have a nice dedicated MK1-4 that your looking to sell
on the east cost drop me an email.


"Jack (" <> wrote in message
>> Have to argee with prOk on this one, for this area of the country at
>> least. The orlando auctions have had nice dedicated MK2s for 300-450
>> max.
> I got an absolute mint MK1 dedicated a few auctions back (in Orlando)
> for $350, and I thought I overpayed. You can buy MK1-3s all day long
> for $300 give or take.
> = numsix
> =
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Here is one on ebay in NJ:

Still a little high IMO, but at least its not $1200

"Brandon Miller" <> wrote in message
> Where are these $300 ones? I've been to 2 of the Winston Auctions in the
> last year, and they either have no MKs or the ones there are trashed.
> There certainly aren't any nice ones going on Ebay for that price.
> So hear it is, if you have a nice dedicated MK1-4 that your looking to
> sell on the east cost drop me an email.
> Brandon
> "Jack (" <> wrote in message
>>> Have to argee with prOk on this one, for this area of the country at
>>> least. The orlando auctions have had nice dedicated MK2s for 300-450
>>> max.
>> I got an absolute mint MK1 dedicated a few auctions back (in Orlando)
>> for $350, and I thought I overpayed. You can buy MK1-3s all day long
>> for $300 give or take.
>> = numsix
>> =
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I had a sweet Killer Instinct 2 (which, IMHO, is better than MK2 - but
very similar in price, I would say) that I couldn't get rid of for $700
Canadian. That's about $550 US. And it was pretty damn close to
perfect. I finally ended up trading it.
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Anyone that really believes you paid this for these parts is only
fooling them selves. Just as you are fooling yourself that you have
this game that is worth $1250. If you paid $400 for a 25 inch monitor,
you either dont shop around or you have no clue about buying monitors.
They can be had for $225. Never seen a CPO for $80, more like $25. I
also highly doubt you had an empty cab you had to build ground up. You
have every right to aask what you want but your approach and attitude
leave a lot to be desired. You are wasting your time here thinking you
will get someone here to pay that kind of money. Like others here
said, we got our MK's for 3-400 and under. My MK was $75, MKII was
$215 and my UMKIII was $310. All in the past 7 months. And less than
1/2 of your one machine. All dedicated.

Good luck with the sale
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It doesn't matter how much you have put into it for parts and labor.
If you had a $5000 car and put another $5000 into it for repairs, you
probably wouldn't have a $10,000 car. So, just because you dumped a
lot of cash into this game doesn't mean that is what it is worth. Go
sell crazy someplace else, we're all full here.
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Jack ( wrote:
> > Please, everyone point me to their dedicated MK or MK2 for sale in mint
> > condition for $300-400. I want one!
> >
> > Seems they are usually going for $600 or more in "decent" condition...
> > at least, every time I look for one...
> Where are you looking?
> = numsix

Charleston, WV, or within a few hours drive.

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> They can be had for $225. Never seen a CPO for $80, more like $25. I
> also highly doubt you had an empty cab you had to build ground up. You

I found a mint MK2 control panel (sans buttons) with a near-perfect
overlay at a damn antique store for $5. I tried to hock it on here for
$50 and got no takers. It's not worth shipping for less than that, so
it sits in the bottom of my MK1 in case for whatever crazy reason I
need to swap it in. There's some much of the MK stuff floating around
its not really worth much, at all.

= numsix
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Nope, I think he just saw Happy Gilmore and wants to meet on the 9th
green at 9