Defination of unblocked


Jan 21, 2001
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Player A attacks player B with a generic creature. Player B takes
umbridge and lightning bolts the creature. Can player A use a
ninjutsu ability to rescue his generic creature by substituting a
ninja (who is not targeted by the bolt?).

Extending this question - what is the definition of unblocked? Are my
creatures unblocked during my untap phase (for example).

Also, are they unblocked during my attack phase if we haven't yet
reached the declare blocker stage.

Thanks for clearing this up for my playgroup.

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Direct reply to your subject header: An attacker is "unblocked"
immediately after defender assigns blockers at the beginning
of the Assign Blockers step, if the defender didn't assign any
blockers to it (if he did, this when the attacker becomes "blocked").
The attacker remains "unblocked" until the end of the Combat Phase,
or when it is removed from combat.

Phil wrote:

> Player A attacks player B with a generic creature. Player B takes
> umbridge and lightning bolts the creature. Can player A use a
> ninjutsu ability to rescue his generic creature by substituting a
> ninja (who is not targeted by the bolt?).

Depends on when B Bolted it. If he did it before he declared blockers,
then no, A can't ninjutsu the creature; it is not unblocked (nor is
it blocked).

> Extending this question - what is the definition of unblocked? Are my
> creatures unblocked during my untap phase (for example).

No. Creature can only be unblocked during the Combat Phase, from the
Assign Blockers step to the end of the phase.

> Also, are they unblocked during my attack phase if we haven't yet
> reached the declare blocker stage.

> Thanks for clearing this up for my playgroup.
> Phil.

Christopher Mattern

"Which one you figure tracked us?"
"The ugly one, sir."
"...Could you be more specific?"
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On 12 Apr 2005 10:09:26 -0700, Phil <> wrote:
>Player A attacks player B with a generic creature. Player B takes
>umbridge and lightning bolts the creature. Can player A use a
>ninjutsu ability to rescue his generic creature by substituting a
>ninja (who is not targeted by the bolt?).

As stated? No, as the attacker is neither blocked nor unblocked yet; we're
still in declare-attackers step. Attackers don't become blocked or unblocked
until declare-blockers step starts and blockers are declared.

(And yes, if the attacker were unblocked, and A used Ninjitsu and returned it,
in response to something targetting it, the something will not be targetting
the new Ninja that appears.)

>Extending this question - what is the definition of unblocked? Are my
>creatures unblocked during my untap phase (for example).

Nope. Attackers become blocked, or become unblocked, as blockers are declared.
This means that there are never any "blocked" or "unblocked" creatures outside
of Combat phase, and also are never any during steps 1 or 2 of Combat
(beginning-of-combat and declare-attackers). B can perfectly well Bolt A's
attacker, without fear of Ninjitsu, as long as B does it before B declares

>Also, are they unblocked during my attack phase if we haven't yet
>reached the declare blocker stage.

Nope. They aren't blocked or unblocked then.

Once an attacker _is_ blocked or unblocked, it stays that way until it leaves
combat (either because Combat phase itself ends, something specifically says
it removes it, it leaves play, it changes controllers, it stops being a
creature, or it _uses_ (not gets) a regeneration shield to avoid being
destroyed...). But they aren't blocked or unblocked until step 3 of Combat.

\/David DeLaney posting from "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
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Phil schrieb:
> Player A attacks player B with a generic creature. Player B takes
> umbridge and lightning bolts the creature. Can player A use a
> ninjutsu ability to rescue his generic creature by substituting a
> ninja (who is not targeted by the bolt?).

Depends on when Player B want's to bolt (rules see below).

> Extending this question - what is the definition of unblocked? Are my
> creatures unblocked during my untap phase (for example).

No they aren't
A creature becomes a blocked or unblocked creature during the declare
blockers step which follows the declare atackers step in combat phase.

309. Declare Blockers Step

309.2e Each chosen creature becomes a blocking creature, but only if
it's controlled by the defending player. Each one is blocking the
attacking creature chosen for it. It remains a blocking creature until
it's removed from combat or the combat phase ends, whichever comes
first. See rule 306.2.

309.2f An attacking creature with one or more creatures declared as
blockers for it becomes a blocked creature; one with no blockers becomes
an unblocked creature. The creature's status remains unchanged until the
creature is removed from combat or the combat phase ends, whichever
comes first. (Some effects can change a creature's status.)
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Thanks for all the replies clearing this up.

Can any of you explain why the text of the ninjutsu ability says that
you can only use it when the target creature is "attacking and
unblocked"? Isn't unblocked sufficient, since you can only be
unblocked if you are attacking?

Thanks again

Phil, novice ninja master
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On 13 Apr 2005 02:20:55 -0700, Phil <> wrote:
>Can any of you explain why the text of the ninjutsu ability says that
>you can only use it when the target creature is "attacking and
>unblocked"? Isn't unblocked sufficient, since you can only be
>unblocked if you are attacking?

Yes, you can only be unblocked while attacking (and only during a certain
part of Combat phase). However, as you've just lived through, players can
get confused about "unblocked"; we don't want them getting the idea that
your attacker is "unblocked" before blockers can ever be declared ... and
we REALLY don't want them latching onto the idea that a creature can be
"unblocked" outside of Combat phase entirely. In a sense, "attacking and
unblocked" is reminder text...

\/David DeLaney posting from "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
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David DeLaney <> wrote:

> In a sense, "attacking and
> unblocked" is reminder text...

It's italicized and in parentheses; it *is* reminder text.
Daniel W. Johnson
039 53 36 N / 086 11 55 W
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Daniel W. Johnson <> wrote:
>David DeLaney <> wrote:
>> In a sense, "attacking and
>> unblocked" is reminder text...
>It's italicized and in parentheses; it *is* reminder text.

Okay, teach me not to look at the card. An even better answer: it IS actual
real live reminder text. (A quick check of 502.43* shows that the rules
themselves just say "unblocked creature".)

\/David DeLaney posting from "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.
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David DeLaney wrote:
> On 12 Apr 2005 10:09:26 -0700, Phil <>
> Once an attacker _is_ blocked or unblocked, it stays that way until
it leaves
> combat... But they aren't blocked or unblocked until step 3 of

Trap Runner {2WW}
Creature -- Soldier 2/3
Mercadian Masques Uncommon
- {T}: Target attacking unblocked creature becomes blocked. Play this
ability only during the declare blockers step. (This ability works on
unblockable creatures.)

Do I get geek points?

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On 19 Apr 2005 10:22:39 -0700, Risser <> wrote:
>David DeLaney wrote:
>> Once an attacker _is_ blocked or unblocked, it stays that way until it leaves
>> combat... But they aren't blocked or unblocked until step 3 of Combat.
>Trap Runner {2WW}
>Do I get geek points?

Well, yes. But you lose some for not also mentioning Dazzling Beauty, Choking
Vines, and the original from way back when, False Orders.

(In other words, if a card SAYS the unblocked creature becomes blocked? It
does so. But it can't happen 'in passing' or without something specifying
it happens.)

\/David DeLaney posting from "It's not the pot that grows the flower
It's not the clock that slows the hour The definition's plain for anyone to see
Love is all it takes to make a family" - R&P. VISUALIZE HAPPYNET VRbeable<BLINK> - net.legends FAQ & Magic / I WUV you in all CAPS! --K.