Delayed connection to network for 15 minutes. Random diconnects...


Jan 13, 2013
I recently reinstalled windows so as my pc was on service (one of rams was gone down) , but it is not the issue. My network connection is delayed, sometimes 5 minutes, this time 15.
I found 2 types of errors in event log, I will add them at end of post .

So the problem - my computer acces network really slow. I am musing Modem what is connected with PC by my Ethernet cable and on pc I am using Local Area connection.
Computer simply say that cable is unplugged while it is pluged in ( It works perfect with same modem and cable onmy laptop, I even tried different cable - no refult) .
Icon all the time have red cross, sometimes disabling/enabling network adapter fixes i, but nit today, then after some time it turns on in normal speed - several seconds blue circle spinning around and then connects.
But there is huge delay.
Usually if he turn in it stay like thus, but sometimes it disconnects after some time ( after hour, maybe less or more )

I recendly find out one more thing, if I have my net fully working on my laptop and I plug off cable from laptop and blug in into my stacionary PC it connects pretty fast, i may be nothing, but sometimes it is only way.

My idea about this is that something is wrong with network card, some connection issues maybe .
So as computer is more than 4 years old , it may be 5 years old, not sure .

When trying connect it drops these 2 errors, sometimes several times :

The driver DriverRTL8167 failed to load for the device PCIVEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_E0001458&REV_014&39aeacf1&0&00E5.

Your computer was not assigned an address from the network (by the DHCP Server) for the Network Card with network address 0x001FD08E0204.

More details;'

Hope someone can give some kind of advice :)

p.s sorry for mistakes if there is any (there usually are )
one more thing, seems that until I am not fully turned on computer it conects fine, bu as soon as I see sarting screen ethernet disconnects .
It may be blocked because of files in quarantine ?