Dell 540 Power Supply


Jun 21, 2011
I am planning to upgrade the video card on my Dell 540 to:

I barely do gaming on my system, I just watch movies, edit family videos, and use photoshop for web design.

I think I need a new power supply with it and I am planning on getting this one, will it fit in my case?

I also found this other power supply:

Thank you!
Yes any normal sized psu like those will fit into the case, as long as its not a slim tower, they made the 540 in slim and normal sized.
thanks, mine is a normal size, as far as quality, would you recommend those items? I haven't built a pc in so long I don't know what features to look for, whats good, etc... The laziness of having a cheaply made pc from China! lol
The corsair builder v2 430 and v2 500 watt are great power supplys and you will like them alot more then the stock ones.
The Radeon HD 5570 has a maximum board power of 39 Watts. This means that the graphics card itself may draw up to 3.25 Amps from the +12 Volt rails.

The Dell Studio 540's 350 Watt power supply has a continuous combined +12 Volt current rating of 25 Amps.

The existing OEM power supply should have no problem powering your system with a Radeon HD 5570 graphics card.
here is link to Dell spec sheet
the specs are at bottom of document
power supply is 300w in Energy Star systems (will see sticker on tower)
power supply is 350w in non Energy Star systems
either way you will be fine with the 5570

I run a MSI HD 5670 512mb GDDR5 in my Dell Optiplex 745 with a 280w power supply
I dont want to push what I own but it is only about $20 more or so for the HD5670
and is superior card if budget allows
this is link to Newegg

actually after rebate it is about 3 dollars cheaper than HD 5570
can even handle some gaming if the mood ever hits

careful the dual fan assembly sticks out about 2 inches from card
so make sure you have the clearance

but for what your using your computer for the HD 5570 would be fine
just after rebate the HD 5670 is cheaper so why not