[SOLVED] Desktop that's overly sensitive to Static Electricity - Keeper or Loser?

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Oct 26, 2016
Hi, I’ve this problem with static electricity and my newly purchased desktop.


Might a PC being overly sensitive to static electricity be indicative of poor workmanship/design? I’m within the return period and it’s the 2nd in this household (same exact make and model) with the same problem.

Longer Story:

I ask the above since I’ve this laptop in the same room as well as a desktop which was there prior to this new purchase. Neither of those EVER had any issues.
I’m confident now that the initiating cause of this new PC’s repeated kernel errors/ reboots are due to my body. Thing is, it’s not enough to just touch the darn thing. I can merely pass by and it’ll happen. Not predictably, but when it does happen, it was me making a particular movement.

Guess I should add how much of a virtual lightning rod I’ve been in my own home over the past weeks. Some shocks actually hurt.

Mind you, I’m not looking for an explanation of how to reduce static electricity in my home. I’m trying to do that right now. BUT, is the fact that this PC is soooo sensitive that it’ll crash from the slightest electrical presence in the air a very bad sign? ‘And that’s going by the premise that I even know what I’m talking about. Can a person affect electrical charges in the air by just waving their hand?

For the sake of painting a better picture. This new PC's case is very meshy. Meaning holes on top, front, back, bottom. Thus, I imagine it might be circulating any dust in my home through within? Whereas my old desktop (12 years) is highly enclosed and it's amazing that it even breathes at all.

Thanks in advance for any input.
Might a PC being overly sensitive to static electricity be indicative of poor workmanship/design?
No, that means that your crib doesn't have grounding for your electrical outlets or that the wire in it isn't up to par for the PSU you have in your build.

Mind sharing your full system's specs with us?
Thanks for responding. My specs are below.

Painting a more descriptive picture:
I've the pc connected to an Old surge protector. Had it sitting on the laminate floor until I figured out that laminate is bad with electricity. So I placed it in a big enough cardboard box for now.

Have begun walking barefoot to help ground myself.

It being winter, the place gets very dusty and dry. Just ordered an air purifier, coming in a couple of days.
In this room I've about 15 or so items (big and but mostly small items plugged in some form of a socket.)

Windows 10 // Ryzen 5 3600 // Corsair - Vengeance RGB Pro - 16GB DDR4 3200 (2 modules) // RX 580 // EVGA 600W Gold PSU // Western Digital Drives: SSD 240 GB + 2 TB HD // B450M Gigabyte Motherboard
Well, it's now a day since I last posted, and after a full day cleaning of the room, elevating of the PC onto a wooden table away from any wiring and reduction of peripherals used in the room, I can say that it hasn't crashed. Don't know if your mention of a supposed 'grounding problem' included those items but I'm glad now.
Once I get the Air Purifier I'll be even happier.

As long as it doesn't act up again within the next week I'll be keeping it. 🙂
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As another followup to this thread.
I ended up returning that PC due to it crashing one more time. That last straw was too much and too close to my allowed time-frame for returning it.
As mentioned, the same problem occurred with 2 PCs from the same place...both exactly the same build.

Exactly two weeks ago from today, I built my own and have yet to have a single BSOD or any other sort of problem. Admittedly, I've got a cleaner environment with an air purifier going at it for hours. BUT, this build doesn't bat an eye at any activity around it in the slightest sense.

In the end, I believe my environment had nothing to do with those two PCs behaving as they had. They were merely poorly built or returned models which I ended up with. I should mention that this particular store chain encourages folks to return their PCs if they're not happy.
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