Destop Sys>Low End ~$600 - Where/What? CPU?


Jan 28, 2003
Hey guys,

Yes its shameless but if you could please direct your attention over to:

<A HREF="" target="_new"></A>

as I fear leaving it alone in the 'Other' forum the thread will lead to how I am supporting terrorism and Bin Laden with my computer purchase.


EDIT: Yeah just reply in this forum, Other forum is no longer right place for this stuff.

-=<font color=blue>i3lue}{orneT</font color=blue>=-
Your are going to be WAY short on ram. With prices going up as we speak that is not a good thing. I'd tell you that you're going to grow to hate the Celeron, but I think you know that already.

"I am become death, the destroyer of worlds. Now, let's eat!
Check your local yellow pages for computers. Most cities in North America have a few dozen small shops that offer you systems that are cheep but good. Try to get her an Amd system about xp2500+ level, on an nforce2 board.
Avoid the celeron. Even if you don't need a fast machine, there is no point paying for a celeron. Especially with integrated graphics, those things are sluggish as hell for *anything*, and not even all that cheap. I have to work from time to time on a Celeron laptop (1800 Mhz), and I swear, it feels considerably slower than my old P3-500.

I just configured a "SR1000Z" machine on HP/Compaq's site, with the following specs:

Processor AMD Athlon(TM) XP 2400+ operating at 2.0GHz
Operating System Microsoft(R) Windows(R) XP Home Edition
Memory 256 MB DDR PC2700 (1 DIMM)
Hard Drive 80GB 7200 rpm
48x max hp CD-Writer Drive (48x24x48x)
FREE UPGRADE to 9 in 1 Card Reader + Front Ports
Graphics Card
Integrated Graphics
Integrated 5.1 Capable Sound w/ Front Audio ports
Monitor Compaq cv7500 17" monitor
Compaq Home Professional Keyboard and Opt Mouse
JBL Platinum Speakers w/ Digital Audio Port
Microsoft(R) Works Suite 2004 includes Word 2002

A *far* better machine for 676.99 - $150 = $526.99

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =