Question Device manager detects gpu, but VGA white light and no display?

Sep 30, 2023
Just got a new 3070ti from microcenter and when I plugged it in I got no display/signal to the monitor. After reseating a few times the same thing happened. The lights were on and the fans would spin for a moment but nothing.

I noticed the white VGA debug was on for awhile. So I naturally was curious. After doing some googling I tried a bunch of different <Mod Edit> but to no avail.

Now, I plugged my DP into the MB (MSI B650-p) and got into windows. First thing I did was look at device manager and it detects both my igpu (Ryzen 7 7700X) and the new gpu I just installed. After doing some driver updates, I thought I was in the clear. I booted up CS2 then boom, lights went out. After the reset I tried to plug the DP in the gpu and nothing still.

This same sorta cycle has been going on for the past few hours since I came home from microcenter. I’ll try different solutions I’ve found on here, Reddit, Linus, NSFW Forums, etc. but they all end the same way.

Curious isn’t it. Would very much so like some advice/help. I work at computer repair store and I highkey don’t wanna bring my own system into work.
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Sep 30, 2023
Got yall.
MSI Pro B650-p AM5
Ryzen 7 7700X
(Former 1080 hybrid) 3070ti ASUS TUF
G.skill 32gb DDR5
Corsair RM1000 about 4 years old.( Possibly older, got from a friend)
870 EVO 1TB
And the case is the Thermaltake P5

And I don’t wanna take it into the my shop just cause Im a very “I can do it myself” kind of person and I have all the tools I really need at my house except another pc for testing.
well, i guess we know the DP cable is fine since it works through iGPU.
which also shows that the rest of the system is at least functioning.

it's possible that this Corsair RM is older than it seems and is having trouble providing the necessary power. may be why it fails to fully initialize the GPU and other times it just flat-lines when being stressed.
I have all the tools I really need at my house
try with another power supply.
Sep 30, 2023
well, i guess we know the DP cable is fine since it works through iGPU.
which also shows that the rest of the system is at least functioning.

it's possible that this Corsair RM is older than it seems and is having trouble providing the necessary power. may be why it fails to fully initialize the GPU and other times it just flat-lines when being stressed.

try with another power supply.

well, i guess we know the DP cable is fine since it works through iGPU.
which also shows that the rest of the system is at least functioning.

it's possible that this Corsair RM is older than it seems and is having trouble providing the necessary power. may be why it fails to fully initialize the GPU and other times it just flat-lines when being stressed.

try with another power supply.
Okay, so I put a new power supply in my system (Corsair RM850) and now it seems to sometimes work.

What I mean by that is it’ll only sometimes boot to windows on power up. Then when I launch a game, it’ll black screen, make twitching noises from my speakers, the fans will spin, then stop, then spin again, then maybe boot the game.

Reckon I’m stuck like this? Or should I consider getting the gpu looked at.
when I launch a game, it’ll black screen, make twitching noises from my speakers, the fans will spin, then stop, then spin again, then maybe boot the game
that's definitely a weird outcome for launching games.

i would think that any problem with the GPU outputting the game's graphics(launch screens, etc) would still allow for sound and other functions to continue through the black screen.

the fact that the games themselves are having problem launching at all would lead me more towards issues with other components(disk, RAM, CPU, etc).
should I consider getting the gpu looked at.
maybe start with something easier first.
run MEMTEST86 & CrystalDisk tests.

if both come back with zero issue(s);
i would be swapping/testing this system's complete load-out.
different GPU, CPU, everything one at a time.
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Sep 30, 2023
Okay, so I put a new power supply in my system (Corsair RM850) and now it seems to sometimes work.

What I mean by that is it’ll only sometimes boot to windows on power up. Then when I launch a game, it’ll black screen, make twitching noises from my speakers, the fans will spin, then stop, then spin again, then maybe boot the game.

Reckon I’m stuck like this? Or should I consider getting the gpu looked at.
Update, so I found a blinking red RGB on the gpu. Where formally it was only rainbow colors on the former psu. I figured out this meant, not enough power.

After reseating I get the same result. Though it’s worth mentioning that after I boot into windows, it’ll then stop the blinking red and go into a typical rainbow wave.
I found a blinking red RGB on the gpu. Where formally it was only rainbow colors on the former psu. I figured out this meant, not enough power.
an error identifier built-in to the card?

maybe try limiting the card's power limit to 50%.
if the error and issues stop, increase power by 10% until you notice them again.

this would definitely prove that the card isn't functioning as it should.
the average recommended wattage for the RTX 3070 Ti is 750w.
a newer Corsair RM850 would be more than enough.