DFI ICFX3200 (RD600) T2R/G Information


Aug 2, 2006
First some vital links:
DFI specs
DFI ICFX3200 T2R/G motherboard's manual
AnandTech's Preview
Tony Big Toe's Tweaking and Overclocking Guide
Command per Clock comparison by Tony
BIOS screens by Shamino
Shamino's Review
eva2000's Review
Offical ICFX3200 thread @ dfi-street.com (filtering needs to be done here)

These are some consistent facts I've managed to collect about the DFI LP UT ICFX3200 (RD600) T2R/G motherboard:
-MSRP is $220, but you can expect a very nice early adopter price tag due to its incredible limited availabilty during the first month.
-The BIOS was tweaked personally by Oscar Wu and the LanParty team.
-Rumor has it that BIOS support will be somewhat pulled after the first revision. Probably the reason why they delayed the board until the BIOS was nice and flat.
-Support ATI Physics, 1333Mhz FSB and independant CPU/Memory overclocking.
-Max FSB in BIOS is 511Mhz, and it wont clockgen much after that. Dont expect this to change considerably in possible future BIOS revisions.
-The board wont break any SuperPI WRs but memory and 3D performance are top notch.
-The Radiical Chipset Block might be one of the only ones to fit due to the large space between hook covers diagonally.
-Sink the ICS Clock generator to ensure those 511Mhz FSB :wink:



Please feel free to share any more information or opnions you have on such board/chipset.
Nice gathering of information. Having a third player shouldn't hurt! especially price wise for those 680i mobo!

Mobo look good, Oscar Wu is whicked =)

Just can't get enough Info because I CANT wait to get my new computer together!!!

Sent you a PM for the ram =), I need to stop hijacking threads!

Anyway, I can see the price being the deciding factor for me. All the tweaking on DFI is pretty cool. Also I must say that the RD600 got a much 'cleaner' liij then the 680i, the cooling is minimal and yet we know it will OC like crazy so it speaks volumes about the quality of that chipset!
Ewwww... I really don't like the color scheme... Halloween was a couple weeks ago, but other than that, layout looks fairly clean. Rear I/O looks skimpy though... audio riser probably? Dual gigabit ethernet is probably standard. Looks like their won't be any PS/2 connections... about time!

I also like how they assume most people will get a dual-slot gfx card and not put in a 7th PCI slot, one way to know this is an enthusiast board.

What's really going to determine things for me though is R600 vs. G80. Mobo's will be the fallout from that battle... but keep up the info, I'm still looking forward to any and all info.
Me? Compete? Where ever could you get such a idea that I'd be so vain as to flaunt my computers l33tness? :mrgreen: :tongue:

Naw seriously, I'm going to buy the board, test it, write a review and have it be my daily driver. OCed of course. I'll let you young whipper snappers do the competition. :wink:
I have all the parts sitting at home. I have been waiting for this release since late october. I was soo hoping its release date will be nov like the rumors but it obviously didnt happen. I'll be plesantly surprised if they release before christmas. What sucks is the fact that I wont be able to spend xmas with my computer because ill be away with my family for the holidays!

Honestly I dont mind buying the board for 300 dollars if i can get it today
As some of my co-worker's here at work will say: "I've got shoe's older than you are"...

18... I rmr when I first turned 18... kinda... actually nope, my long term memory goes to shiat after a year or so...

I wonder though, in 40 years or so when I'm nice and elderly receiving my SS benefits (If their's any money left in there...) if I'll still be posting here.. I should get true ancient poster status =P
Man, Thanksgiving is engineering's busiest day of the year. When the brewery shuts down so the workers can go home and rest, engineering wakes up and starts implementing the big changes... luckily I'm low enough on the totem pole to be able to stay home...

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be called in. If it's one thing I know about kids, anything you don't want them to do, they end up doing it...
-Rumor has it that BIOS support will be somewhat pulled after the first revision.
Only 2 things scare/concern me about this board:

1. possible lack of official BIOS support after 1st revision. While maybe there will be 3rd party BIOS updates....still worries me.

2. Color scheme - I hate it. While I prefer a "classier/classic" black type look, if it HAD to have orange and yellow connectors, I would have like some sort of "whole motherboard is in flames" design. Otherwise, those neon colors kinda look cheapy and gimmicky to me.

...not that flames isn't gimmicky. If this board can truly oc much better than the rest, then I can overlook it - and stuff it in a non-windowed case. Otherwise it looks like a Lego rave - which is fine for some, but not what I'm looking for in my next build.
Yeah, I mentioned earlier I didn't like the colors, now, if they had more ATI Red like their cards, it would look a lot better...

I know it doesn't fit with ATI, but some nVidia's cards have a wicked black PCB board that also looks nice.

Then again, I don't know who will be able to see my mobo after all the stuff I do to it...

Edit: WTF, that board is a black PCB.. no wonder it screamed Halloween at me... They need better color combinations...
I'll let you young whipper snappers do the competition. :wink:

"Young whipper snapper"? Been so long since anybody called me that I had to stop and think about it. No, still can't remember that far back. Can't stay long. Gotta see if my pension check arrived in the mail. Gotta start putting some money aside for a new build.

Anyone know when the FX76 cpu's and their mobo's are coming out?
Assuming it OCs better than the 680i it would be a nice board I suppose. I sort of like the garrish colors in a way against the black PCB.

If that pic is the actual reference design for the R600 I'm not wowed by the layout. Put in crossfire or some dual GPU solution, then looking to the future possibly make use of the 3rd PCI-x16 slot for physics then you have a total of 1 vanilla PCI slot for expansion.

It could end up being a great board and even be enough to change my mind but going on layout alone I'm not swayed at all. I'll have to see benches and reviews I guess first.