Question Disable/ Stop Automatic Browser opening when System detects that there's no internet connection


May 16, 2014
Hi All,

Good day to you.

I'm using Windows 10 on a desktop, with Internet connected through LAN.

Whenever there's no internet connection, specially when I'm starting the PC, the default browser will open and it redirects to some pages. I think it tries to show the standard MSN page but since there's no internet, it then redirects to the Internet Modem's page, in my case, the MiWiFi page. (I have an MI router).

I usually turn my router off when I'm not using it. After turning it back on, it takes around a minute to connect to the internet.

If internet is connected and then PC is turned on, then this issue or I may say, some kind of default executable behavior doesn't happen. It happens only when it detects there's no internet connection.

The same issue was happening in Chrome and right now in Firefox. I think it might be some Windows' functionality or Router functionality. But don't know what to do.

Although it's not a big issue, but I would still like to stop this functionality.
Can anybody please help.

Whenever there's no internet connection, specially when I'm starting the PC, the default browser will open and it redirects to some pages. I think it might be some Windows' functionality or Router functionality. But don't know what to do.
Although it's not a big issue, but I would still like to stop this functionality.
Can anybody please help.
Probably some scheduled task, that gets triggered on logon.
Check Task Scheduler.

There will be a lot of tasks to check through.
Might be easier just to turn on modem couple minutes before turning on your pc.
If internet is connected and then PC is turned on, then this issue or I may say, some kind of default executable behavior doesn't happen. It happens only when it detects there's no internet connection.
sounds like an auto alert about the fact that the detected modem/router cannot connect to the internet.

probably an option to report an issue and/or connect via another method besides wired.
might be some Windows' functionality or Router functionality. But don't know what to do.
make sure the internet connection is available when powering on the system.

why exactly do you always power it off?