Good evening everyone,
I have a problem with a 4 port USB hub I recently bought.
I woould like to connect a USB to LAN converter to my hub, but it requires a power supply of 160 mA and the hub only supplies 100 mA per port. Is there any way that I can divide/take/steal some energy from an unused port so I can make my USB to Lan converter work? Do I need special software to do this? Can anyone help me with my problem?
Greets, Stijn
System: Compaq Armada 1750
OS: Windows 98 SE
I have a problem with a 4 port USB hub I recently bought.
I woould like to connect a USB to LAN converter to my hub, but it requires a power supply of 160 mA and the hub only supplies 100 mA per port. Is there any way that I can divide/take/steal some energy from an unused port so I can make my USB to Lan converter work? Do I need special software to do this? Can anyone help me with my problem?
Greets, Stijn
System: Compaq Armada 1750
OS: Windows 98 SE