Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
One word.........yes!
hope it
"adropinabucket" wrote:
> I'm using Windows XP home edition.
> Do I have to have a user account?
> It would actually be easuer for me to have everything in C:\Documents and
> Settings\All Users\Documents
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
adropinabucket wrote:
> I'm using Windows XP home edition.
> Do I have to have a user account?
> It would actually be easuer for me to have everything in C:\Documents and
> Settings\All Users\Documents
echo, echo.....
Yes. You must have a user account for any NT based operating system.
Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.basics (More info?)
adropinabucket wrote:
> I'm using Windows XP home edition.
Do I need a user account?
What part of "Yes you need a user account" are you having issues
understanding exactly...? If you tell us, I'm sure someone will guide you
though it...
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lose his marbles?