[SOLVED] Do I need to update my BIOS?

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Nov 4, 2020
My bios version is from 5/10/2019 and im upgrading from a Ryzen 5 2600 to a Ryzen 7 2700X which was released in 2018. So would a BIOS update be needed?
Since they are the same family (Pinnacle ridge) then I think you would be okay.

put it this way, you can always swap back if it doesn't work and then upgrade the bios - To be sure you would need to ask Cyberpower. Most motherboard makers include notes with bios updates, its possible the zip files include readme text files. I didn't download any to see.
curious. i found this but no bios updates that are safe for pinnacle ridge and might not be right board still - https://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/Fatal1ty B450 Gaming-ITXac/#BIOS

google sees this as a Gaming motherboard from Asrock but most bios versions warn against your CPU (Pinnacle ridge) - https://www.asrock.com/mb/AMD/B450M Pro4-F/#BIOS

is this a cyberpower pc? https://www.cyberpowerpc.com/forum/asrock-b450m-gaming-not-b450am-gaming-rgbs_topic56139.html

I just received my new CyberPower PC with the AM4 socket. The motherboard comes with an ASRock B450M Gaming (the backplane makes it look like the B450M/ac but that doesn't have the same BIOS versions) with the P1.50 revision. The RGB for the fans and the LED strip are on and showing a rainbow of colors all the way around. On the first boot ever, I THINK they were "breathing".

Because the B450M Gaming appears to be a custom/OEM specific board from ASRock, I had found the BIOS in the "CyberPowerPC Branded" stuff here:http://www.cyberpowerinc.com/drivers/?dir=Motherboards/BIOS/Asrock and then reflashed the BIOS (still P1.50) but nothing changed for the RGB settings.

their website has no details as to what the bios updates actually do.

Asrock don't support the oem boards, its up to cyberpower. there are 2 updates on the website for motherboard but I can't tell what they do. You may need to ask cyberpower. Possible 1.50 matches Matisse and may make board not compatible with your CPU so i would ask before jumping.

you likely don't need to flash bios to upgrade CPU.
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Since they are the same family (Pinnacle ridge) then I think you would be okay.

put it this way, you can always swap back if it doesn't work and then upgrade the bios - To be sure you would need to ask Cyberpower. Most motherboard makers include notes with bios updates, its possible the zip files include readme text files. I didn't download any to see.
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