Do LCD's Typically Oversaturate White?


Jun 9, 2003
When I first started using my new LCD (SyncMaster 191T), I noticed that bright white, mostly along the edges of the screen, was clearly oversaturated. Displaying bright white backgrounds produced a yellowish/cream discoloration or "washout". Though I kept the monitor in digital mode, I was able to adjust the screen perfectly (almost) with the video card's software, just nudging the contrast slider down and the digital vibrancy slider up.

I know it's common for LCD's to sometimes have uneven brightness across the display, but is it also common for them to oversaturate the bright end of the spectrum? Samsung suggested I may have a defective monitor, but like I said, it looks perfect after a little tweaking of the video settings.
what are you talking about?

-go read some reviews and you'll see what i commented was not sarcasm 🙁
-most LCDs areincompetent when it comes to showing black areas, but in some it's showing white... anyways go read