SirCrono :
I've used macs at college and find them to be quite useless, and cmon just one button in a mouse it's plain stupid.
It actually is a 3 button mouse now.
Course that is more of a recent thing, but third-party mice with 2+ buttons have worked with Macs for quite some time just like they do in Windows. Just saying. I agree though, years ago using a one button mouse was stupid. Glad Apple finally changed that.
They are very different platforms but let's not forget that the hardware inside is largely the same, now more than ever. Mac's all come with Intel C2D' a Mac and a PC are extremely comparable in terms of performance and capabilities. And they have had the same memory and graphics cards and hard drives that PC's have had too obviously. It's not like there is some magical company out there that makes parts only for Apple that are sooo much better than the parts used in PC's. It just comes in a much different packaging with the Mac, for better or worse. The only thing that still separates them is the OS, but that largely depends on what someone is more used to. But Mac screwed themselves with their proprietary crap.
Would I choose to use a Mac over a PC, even being able to run Windows on it? Nope. I like being able to upgrade or fix something myself and being able to pick and choose exactly what parts I want and nothing more. Does that mean I hate Apple's hardware? Not at all. I love the design and the compactness of say, the iMac. (Although I frickin hated the look of the original iMac, stupid fruity-colored CRT's). I like Apple's products, for the most part. It's always nice to use the new iMacs at school but I still prefer my PC for the things that I like to do. I love the iPod but the battery is still HORRIBLE. And some say that having to use it with iTunes is bad. Meh, I don't mind that...I just hate how iTunes is such a resource hog on Windows.
The thing I do hate about Apple is, as many have already mentioned, the attitude of Apple users. I know a number of diehard Apple fans that are so smug about their personal computing and that's just stupid and unnecessary. It's a computer! At the same time though, I have the same contempt for people that take their cars too seriously. Yeah sure, you have a BMW. It's nice. Good for you. You overpaid to get from point A to point B. Get over yourself. Same thing in this case. Yeah, Mac's are nice. If you have the money to spare, more power to you. But it's still just a pile of metal, silicon, wires, and plastic...just like my PC...which does the same thing. It's not a cultural movement for cryin out loud.