skittle :
Nope, OSX sucks and is crappy and bloated. Almost to the point that its MORE bloated than a pre-installed vista.
Final cut sucks... especially when you compare it to the entire adobe suite with adobe bridge. I saw all these film students across the hall from me using final cut last year on their macbooks. All i did was laugh and show them Adobe Master Collection.
The only "professionals" working with macs are the ones who think macs have better color and sound quality than a PC. CAUTION: the word "professional" in the mac world should be used extremely loosly. Pretty much every mac user thinks of themselves as a "professional"
Final cut sucks... especially when you compare it to the entire adobe suite with adobe bridge. I saw all these film students across the hall from me using final cut last year on their macbooks. All i did was laugh and show them Adobe Master Collection.
The only "professionals" working with macs are the ones who think macs have better color and sound quality than a PC. CAUTION: the word "professional" in the mac world should be used extremely loosly. Pretty much every mac user thinks of themselves as a "professional"
Ok fair enough. Maybe you're right. I just can't see why.
First what is this "so much more" you can do with the $790 HP that a $1200 iMac can't. We've already clear all the gaming side and the specialized stuff (for which a 790$ HP won't very good anyway). What else?
Also, please explain to me why OSX objectively sucks so much. It shouldn't be hard since it is so bad. Please don't feed me "OSX sucks because Jobs is an ass" or it "it sucks because it is soooo simple it is created for dumb people who can't get to use two button mouse" or the so alike traditionnal bashing. Real solid reasons.
Yet for now I still believe neither PC or Mac are this bad, and neither of them are this good. It's all pros and cons and whats matter to you.
PS. If you prefer Adobe Master Collection, good for you. It is available on Mac anyway so Mac users have the choice, just like PC users have their own alternative in Sony Vegas.