Do you Hate Ipods/Apple/Macs?

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Do you hate Apple?

  • Yes

    Votes: 112 54.4%
  • No

    Votes: 40 19.4%
  • Just the Macs

    Votes: 24 11.7%
  • Are you kidding me?!? I love Apple products

    Votes: 9 4.4%
  • Love the OS, Hate the hardware

    Votes: 11 5.3%
  • IPod Rulz!

    Votes: 10 4.9%

  • Total voters
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Why you dirty little Troll. I love it!

I hate the whole Cult of Mac. Total snobs.

I have a Creative Zen 4GB, has SD Card + FM Tuner, much more PC friendly too.

And I have an Opty 165, that will soon be my first Linux box. Will get OpenOffice and invest my time learning the best video encoding apps etc.

There is just so much more fun things to do with PCs, Macs are way too much $$$, and you have NO control over hardware at all.

The only intelligent view I have is this: If I saw Mac OS on BestBuy shelves, and I can install it on my PC, well, Steve Jobs would probably kill Vista. But, he is a hardware control freak, so he won't get my money. I hate being "owned" by my posessions, and Steve is all about that, and it pis*es me off royally.

So, that is all it boils down to. I hate Apple because of the "You bend over, we'll drive" philosophy they have. Otherwise, I would grab a copy of Mac OS tomorrow, just for fun.

I'll expend my energies on Linux then, thanks.
The only real reason i hate macs / apple is because they wont open their os up to be installed on other systems. i will not ever buy a mac until i can build the sysem and put the os on it myself.
as far as ipods go, if they were drag and drop capable i would own one right now. but until itunes isn't required i'd like to think i'll never own one of those either. As far as sound quallity, ive got an iaudio that plays lossless flacs and it sounds soo much better than a comparable ipod.
The best video encoding app for Linux is Avidemux IMO. It runs on Windows and Mac as well.


Unfortunately Its not even in the same league as Adobe. Same goes for GIMP... some people swear by it... but honestly photoshop is the one and only image editor that I would ever consider using.

And I love how the Mac community talks about the "innovations" that apple has brought with OSX. Give me a break... everything OSX is was stolen from the open source linux community, or from windows (the irony there is enough to leave me breathless from laughter).

Agreed. The MacOS X IS based on a Linux/Linux kernel that they probably ripped off the open source community and made it "proprietary".

Mac OS X is based on the Mach kernel and is derived from the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) implementation of Unix in Nextstep. Nextstep was the object-oriented operating system developed by Steve Jobs' company "NeXT" after he left Apple in 1985.[5] While Jobs was away from Apple, Apple tried to create a "next-generation" OS through the Taligent and Copland projects, with little success. :lol:
The thing I can't figure out about Macs is if OSX is, according to Mac owners, the best thing since sliced bread, why do they need to install Windows on their Macs as well? Right there proves that PC's are still better than Macs because Mac owners have to have Windows on their machines to do what they need to do.

Apple Security update list:

The reason why Apple will never let the MacOS onto the PC:

Everyone who wants to get the OS does not want to pay the price for the hardware. The solution, put the OS on your own custom built computer. But wait, Apple won't let you do that. WHY?

Because the OS is not built to be stable. Let's look at it this way. Windows was designed to be run on many different types of machines. The reason it has so much code is due to two reasons: 1) Legacy support of older applications and 2) support for tens of thousands of hardware devices. MacOS was designed to run on Macs and Macs only. The reason is simple, Apple does not want to have to design the OS to run on different hardware setups. If they adjusted the OS to work on multiple types of setups, two things would happen: 1) The OS would explode due to all the modifications required to support the many types of hardware and have each component work together and 2) Apple would NEVER be able to support the OS because people who put it on their own computer would run into so many problems and the size of the company is too small to support the millions of people who would mess things up.

MacOS was built to be simple and will stay that way which is why we Windows users will never see it on our own computers. 😗
^You can run MacOS with a Linux based emulator ON PC.

Image by nukemaster
I didn't mean it couldn't be done. I've known about OSx86 and of course it can work as long as you know what you're doing. Ordinary people would never consider trying this. It also says in Apple's EULA that you cannot use the OS on any hardware other than a Mac computer. So if you break the laws, then yes you can do it, but you will never be supported by Apple (or maybe even your computer manufacturer or MS after the fact).

The day will never come when you will be legally allowed to put the MacOS onto a machine other than a Mac.

I can think of many reasons why a mac users would want to install windows on a mac. Maybe he already own apps that runs on windows, maybe he wants to play games not available on OSX, maybe there is a specific app available on windows only, maybe he's a switcher from windows and wants a smooth transition, maybe he's curious about OS, maybe maybe...

It doesn't prove anything, just as people who install Linux or OSX on their PC doesn't mean windows isn't good.

Again, I can't understand why people would hate windows or OSX or linux. I mean, neither one can't be total garbage. Maybe it isn't suitable for what you want to do with a computer, but hate it for that? Or because of the so called community that use the product? Or worse, because you don't like the guy at the head of the company (Gates or Jobs)?

Seem to me a bit excessive.
The one reason I went with iPod is 3rd party support. iPods plug into clock radios, portable video players, boom boxes, and even a few toys accept them. I wanted a player that I could connet to and control from a car stereo. I haven't found anything else that fits the bill. Zune and Sansa are gaining a little traction in this area, but all others still fall short. Too bad, I would have loved to be able to consider other products, but I must admit that love my 5G - the sound quality is top notch.

Oh, and iTunes. It's sluggish, and isn't the most intuative piece of software. But I subscribe to about 5 podcasts, and AFAIK there isn't much else that serves as a universal gateway for content providers to deploy content directly to subscriber's players in a more-or-less trouble free manner.

As of this post:
64 votes----Yes
26 votes-------No
12 votes------Just the Macs
2 vote---------Are you kidding me?!? I love Apple products <==wonder who voted for this :lol:
6 votes--------- Love the OS, Hate the hardware
6 votes-------IPod Rulz!
This is Madox's best article ever and definitely worth the read:

Everything he says is so true. Most mac users believe its a social movement. They're buying a piece of freaking hardware for crying out loud.

As a computer and network support specialist, I troubleshoot PCs and a few random macs that people insisted on getting. This one lady in the building swears on her mac and she refers to her operating system as "the leopard." We sometimes joke about it in the office and attach random the's to things like "the Vista" or "the Linux." She insists that her mac never has problems even though we've gone up to fix things on her computer multiple times. As a result of her false claims, a few people near her office have also bought macs because "they just work." Bullshi*. They have just as many problems as PCs and the problem with mac users is that they are generally so stupid that they can't even figure out simple things. They've been given a dumbed down OS that is so easy to use that they never developed their brain enough to figure out how to do simple troubleshooting on their computer.

Macs suck, plain and simple. There are far fewer programs written for OSX and you have no options when selecting hardware. If all mac users use their mac for is reading email and surfing the web (Which the vast majority of mac users do as we are talking about the simple minded portion of the computer user base.), then why the crap did they spend $2000 dollars instead of $500 for a PC that can do the same thing? So some say that they like the look of macs. That they look cool?? I'll pass. I'll take my antec 900 case over a piece of shi* silver mac case any day.

If you want to be different, use Linux. KDE has way more bells and whistles and eye candy than leopard can dream of. If you want an OS that runs all the apps and games that you want to use and is easy as crap to use and troubleshoot if you do happen to run into problems, then use windows.

Ipods fall into the same bag of crap that macs do. They choose looks and trendiness (trendy according to lame apple commercials and the suckers who fall for it) over mp3 players that offer more and better features. I remember when the ipod nano first came out and I was like... Oh, that's cool. An mp3 player with an lcd screen and flash memory that I don't have to worry about skipping every time I go running with it. Does it have an FM tuner? No. (An FM tuner is a wonderful feature for listening to football games when I'm on the run.) Does it have memory expansion options? No. Does it play video? No. Does it support a wide range of formats? No. How's the sound quality? Sucks. After looking over the ipod nano I decided to go with a Sandisk sansa e200 series, which had all of these features but at a lower price than the featureless nano. Now with the latest and greatest version of the ipod nano they finally decided to incorporate video playback into it. Too bad they are years behind other companies and they still require you to use itunes instead of dragging and dropping into a folder.
If Apple was a girl it would be "Paris Hilton" Overpriced,bitchy does the same thing everyone does but less....but loves the publicity.
I've been a PC user for 2 decades now, working in the IT industry for 11 years, and picked up a Mac Mini a couple years ago (G4) to familiarize myself with the OS since some of my customers used Macs.
I've re-built my PC twice since then, installed a variety of Ubuntu flavors and tried Vista, but the Mini is still running the factory install, power up 24/7, serving music, browsing, email, and remote access without requiring a restart except for updates.
The Mac did act as a Trojan though, I've since purchased 2 iPods, and now an iPhone.
There will always be fan-boys at the extremes of any spectrum, and I appreciate them, for they provide no end of amusement.
owning a MAC doesnt make you a better designer. the OS is not an isue wen you are desining a graphic piece or editing a video. besides it i think MACs are overpriced especialy since they use intel and diched the scsi drives. about the mp3 players y must say the same. if you are looking for a good mp3 player look at crwative, sound great, look great, and wont hurt your wallet. also you must have in mind that mp3 and acc compress the file so no matter what is the brand of the device, it wont be as good as the cd version.

Amen. I have owned a few mp3 players, the latest being a 5.5 gen iPod Video. Using the exact same files and the same pair of headphones (good ones, too) the iPod sounds significantly better than the other players. Its GUI matches its sound and build quality too.

Everybody in my office knows that I am the PAD guy and brings me their players to ask "what do you think?". I politely tell them that their devices are great but so far, none have been a match for the iPod.

As for mac users attitudes - I'm with most people. Ignorance and arrogance are an unattractive mix.
Well, i used to hate the computers but love the ipods.
Then i bought the brand new ipod touch, brilliant bit of kit. (Until...)

Plugged into into my PC, turns out 64bit Windows OS's arent supported (Now it says this in small print on there website, but when i bought it there wasnt a hint of a problem.) - Apple said its microsofts problem. (Lol!)

It was suggested i setup a virtual machine and use the touch via that, so i whacked out a windows 2k CD & installed virtual machine, updated it from default to SP4(?) as Itunes & a few other programs said it needs to be updated, so after a few hours of that.... Itunes refused to work with Windows 2k all together.

So i wiped out that VM, installed XP... updated from default to SP2, after a few hours of that i had to tweak the virtual machines settings so it would pick up the ipod, and it did!.... then my entire system blue screened. (This system has NEVER blue screened before[7months old]) i then tried it again & eventually got it to detect the ipod touch without killing my system, but alas, itunes kicked up a fuss & refused to work on VM with a x64 host OS. (Also while doing this i had sent Apple 3 emails over the space of a week, no replys + made a post on there "Support" forum, no replys.)

Anyway, extreme peeved at apples smoke screen & lack of customer support, but i still loved the device itself & i had hoped an update for itunes was imminent.

They then released there "1.3 update with software", so i went over to a friends & downloaded this update (£12.99 what a screw job, as if apple needed another reason to get bad press!), i installed it (After about 3 attempts & eventually restoring ipod to factory settings etc).

Now then left side of my screen doesnt work so i cant hit the "1" or "_" keys, and barely the shift button, apply replied with a standard "Make sure battery is fully charged" "Do a hard reset" "Restore factory settings" email... none of which worked.

And, this ipod doesnt work with the USB socket on my car radio unlike my past ipods, granted its not an "ipod-ready" radio, but still... just another nail in the coffin.

All in all, im sick of Apples smoke screens & lies, im sick of there extremely poor customer support, im sick of apples community, im sick of apples fanboys, im SICK OF APPLE.

Heres my receipt give me my bloody money back! *off to store where purchased now!*


Kbits, the point I was really making was I thought the main reason people got a Mac was to get rid of Windows, but ironically they still need Windows to do anything. This alone proves that OSX is not as good as the Mac fanatics claim it is. Also, the subdued point I was making, which you valeted for me as well, is why spend $2,000 on a iMac when a $600 HP machine will do the same exact thing and so much more.

Are the batteries user replaceable? No. :fou:
Have to take issue with you there - not all of them suck. My 5.5G is fantastic, and IIRC the 2G Nanos are pretty good as well. Earlier versions weren't as good though, and I hear that 6G (and 3G Nanos) may have some sound quality issues.

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