[citation][nom]epobirs[/nom]I'm hard put to give a damn about what suits the 'typical user.' These are the people buying whatever is on the shelf at Best Buy. But it should be noted that systems with less than 4 GB are disappearing from the Best Buy shelves. Anything over US $600 is likely to have 6-8 GB of RAM and even the lower priced bargain basement systems have 4 GB. Those with less are likely to have older CPUs a THG reader would not consider for their primary desktop.I just priced out a new Core i7 yesterday based on what was in the Friday Fry's ad as a possible replacement to a existing machine that has been threatening to fail. 6 GB kits of 1366 RAM were all of $80. For that much I'm going to stuff all of the slots just because I can. The user has a single native 64-bit app that will happily consume all of the resources offered. Making that app faster is so important to the user that it doesn't matter if not a single other app runs any better than it would in a maxxed 32-bit system. Cumulatively, they will see benefit but getting that one 64-bit app running faster is all that is needed to justify spending up to a $1,000 on the system than would otherwise be justified.This will happen for 'typical users' within the lifetime of machines they're buying today. Don't forget, those users expect their machines to be their one and only Pc for far long than I'd expect of most THG readers. So I'd have no problem encouraging them to spend a bit more now to get the full use of their purchase as the software evolves. Enough new machines are shipping as 64-bit systems, including OS, this year to get developers a lot more interested in doing 64-bit versions of their apps in the near future. We've turned the corner in the consumer market, if only because retailers need to be able to advertise ever larger numbers.[/citation]
The test were optimized for TYPICAL USE PATTERNS OF AVERAGE THG READERS and recommended 6GB of RAM anyway, so you've disqualified your opinion.
You hear a lot of people talking about crazy applications that hardly anyone uses: It's not because these are popular amoung THG readers, it's because exceptional readers will point out why they are exceptional. Their exceptions are being considered for future reviews, but 1 out of 1000 readers is only 0.1%