Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance?


Apr 18, 2013
"Do you want to change the color scheme to improve performance" keeps popping up even though I have enough ram (12gb) and gfx power (GTX670). Why does this keep coming up?

I could understand it before, when I had GTX275, but now I have more than enough ram on the gfx card? :S

I have tried to simply turning the warning off via the action center but to no success. And I am NOT interested in running Aero Basic theme while playing as I should have a powerful enough computer to run, for example, Bioshock Infinite without having to go to basic theme..

Played Bioshock Infinite and the message popped up even though I had only used 3.5gb out of 12gb of ram. :(

More specs:
Intel I7 950
12 gb DDR3 PC-12800 ram
ASUS GTX670-DC2-2GD5 (Running 314.14 drivers)
1 TB 7200 RPM Seagate Barracuda hdd
Windows 7 64-bit Prof edition fully updated.

Hi, I am new by the way! :D

I'm a bit confused on how "Quicktime" has anything to do with gaming? Quicktime is a video player and to my knowledge has nothing to do with gaming.


Apr 18, 2013

I've already tried the "step 2" solution without any luck.
As bgunner said, I don't know what QuickTime has to do with this either.

But it is not only happening in Bioshock, happens in BF3 also. My friend had the same problem with BF3 but then he upgraded his gfx card and the problem went away (He also bought GTX670), but mine seems to be lingering around.. :(


Apr 18, 2013

The topic is kind of old but the problem seems to be present (As proven by constantine1991). I do still not know an answer to the problem sadly.
But the problem seems to have gone by itself.. As weird as it sounds..


May 17, 2009
Having this issue as well, and as many threads as I've seen, none seem to have a decent answer.

I upgraded my system recently, not a lot, but a Core2Quad Q9450, and a GTX650Ti Boost OC (2GB)... just trying to play World of Warcraft on Win7x64.

Even if I drop the settings down to High, from Very High... at random times I get this.

I read somewhere that by clicking the shortcut and going to compatibility there is an option to disable AERO but, couldn't find it. Also read that disabling Windows from showing Windows Troubleshooting messages would help but no luck.

I also run 2 monitors, well, a monitor and a TV for streaming movies to, but even when the TV is off I still get the issue.

There MUST be a solution to what seems like a simple problem.