I've found a setting that can enable the control of a 3-pin AIO pump speed by using the DC mode in the BIOS. So, it's controlling the speed by lowering the DC voltage going to the pump, right?
My question is, does lowering the voltage going to the pump going to break the pump? I've read quite a few articles about how a 3-pin AIO pump
should be running at 100% all the time, but I just want to extend the lifespan of AIO as long as I can. Am I going to break it instead?
My question is, does lowering the voltage going to the pump going to break the pump? I've read quite a few articles about how a 3-pin AIO pump
should be running at 100% all the time, but I just want to extend the lifespan of AIO as long as I can. Am I going to break it instead?